Title                   : Boat help
Filename(s)             : Boathelp.map and Boathelp.txt
Author                  : Brett Anderson
E-mail Address          : darkassassin@
Author info.            : 16yr old high school student from Melbourne,
Level Description       : This .TXT file and the accompanying .MAP file
                          should help those of you who are having trouble
                          building boats or other vehicles in Shadow Warrior.
Additional Credits      : 3drealms for this cool game!
Base                    : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used          : Build by Ken Silverman
Known Bugs              : None
Hope you all can benefit from my efforts, if you have any questions regarding
driveable vehicles in Shadow Warrior please E-mail me.  See ya'll later and
happy gaming!

    First of all when I say "sprite" in this document I am referring to the
    ST1 sprite (tile#2307), you place a sprite by pushing the "S" key, in
    either 2D or 3D mode (I use 2D mode as it allows more accurate placement)

1)  Build a big rectangle that will be just a bit bigger than your boat,
    it MUST be a rectangle,

2)  Make the rectangle "player space" (ALT+S),

3)  Give all 4 sides of the rectangle sector a TAG#2 of 504, and the centre
    sector a TAG#1 of 98 or 96.

4)  Draw in your boat, and make all boat sectors "player space,"

5)  Go to 3D mode and raise the sectors to your desired height,

6)  Pick some textures you like for your boat, look at 3drealm's boats for
    some ideas ($Boat.map)

7)  Place a "Bound_so_upper" sprite (TAG#1=530) just outside the top left
    of the outer rectangle (about 2 or 3 grid squares),

8)  Place a "Bound_so_lower" sprite (TAG#1=531) just outside the lower right
    of the outer rectangle (about 2 or 3 grid squares),

9)  Place a "Sect_operational" sprite (TAG#1=1) in the centre sector of your
    boat (the sector the player stand in to drive the boat)

10) Place a "So_angle" sprite (TAG#1=16) in the centre sector, and point it
    towards the front of the boat (use < > :greater than/less than keys),

11) Place a "So_drivable_attrib" (TAG#1=147) sprite in the centre sector and
    do the following to the spirte, give it a:

    * TAG#2 of 600
    * TAG#6 of 9000
    * TAG#7 of 25

    (These values can be anything within the games range, but try to keep
    the "feel" of the vehicle realistic!)

    You must also change the Boolean Tags (use keys ";" + number of tag to
    change, if changing Bool#11 use the keys "; + shift + 1")  Boolean Tags
    can only have 2 values: 0 or 1.  Here are the Bool tags you must consider
    when making a drivable car, boat or tank:

    * Bool1:
      If set to 1=doesn't shake the screen when hitting something,

    * Bool2:
      If set to 1=trigger match TAG#5 + 1 when the player hits
      Spacebar to stop driving vehicle (sector object),

    * Bool3:
      If set to 1=Sector object (vehicle) can only be driven by remote
      control, in which case a "Trigger_sector" sprite (TAG#1=140) must also
      be used,

    * Bool4:
      If set to 1=rectangular clipping on, this means if you set
      Bool4 to 1 the outer box with wall tags of 504 will block you, ie: if
      you run into a wall the "vehicle sector" will not run through it.
      (I highly recommend setting Bool4 to 1 otherwise wierd side-effects
      may be consequence)

12) Place a "Sound_spot" sprite (TAG#1=134) in the centre sector.  TAG#4 is
    the 1st sound, TAG#5 is the 2nd sound and TAG#6 is the 3rd sound.  With a
    vehicle 2 sounds are really all that's necessary so use TAG#4 and TAG#5.
    For the boat TAG#4 can be: 511 or 510 and TAG#5 can be 510 or 143.
    For a slow idling boat use TAG#4=511 and TAG#5= 510 or for a fast idling
    boat use TAG#4=510 and TAG#5=143.  Give this sprite a unique TAG#2.

13) Place a "So_max_damage" sprite (TAG#1=76) in the centre sector.  TAG#2
    is the maximum amount of damage the vehicle can take.  A good value for
    boats TAG#2 si around 300.

14) Place another "Sound_spot" sprite (TAG#1=134) towards the back of the
    boat, (it mustbe outside the centre sector) near the outboard motor you
    drew (you did draw one...didn't you?)  Give the new sound sprite a unique
    TAG#2 (ie:1209) and give it a TAG#4 value of 276 and a TAG#5 value of 0.

15) Place a "Spawn_spot" sprite (TAG#1=69) in the centre sector.  Give it a
    TAG#3 value of 3 (this creates smoke!) Give it a TAG#5 of -1, if you
    want the boat to be broken at the beggining or a TAG#5 value of 0 if you
    want the boat to be at full health.  Give this sprite the same unique
    TAG#2 as you gave the second "Sound_spot" sprite, (remember? ie: 1209)

    Congrat's you just built you very own boat for Shadow Warrior:

===>What's this...? You want weapons too?

    Go to 2D mode and draw in a box or two where you want the weapon(s)

    Go to 3D mode and raise these "gun" sectors and give them nice weapon
    textures (try tile# 328, and if you want to use put a barrel on it try
    tile# 764.  Also tile# 279 is of some belt-fed-ammo; put it on the side
    of the gun to add realism)

    Now place a "So_shoot_point" sprite (TAG#1=62) in about 5 grid squares
    away from the barrel or muzzle of the gun (it should be same height as
    barrel or a little higher).  To select ammunition type you must change
    TAG#3 (Hit F6 key while in 2D mode and with pointer on sprite to get a
    list of all TAG# values)

    Once you have done all of the above go into 3D mode and push the "R" key
    on ALL of the boats sides that are facing towards the roof until you get
    the message: "Floor relative On" this will stop the texture on these
    surfaces from moving while the vehicle is.

    General Build help:

    (In 3D mode)
    Use the "." (period) key to align textures,

    Use the "/" (forward slash) key to make textures return to original

    Use the "Page up" key to raise a sector

    Use the "Page down" key to lower a sector

    (In 2D mode)
    Use the "< >" (less than/greater than) keys to change the direction a
    sprite is facing

    Push "ALT + S" to make a "white" sector into a "red" (player space) sector 

    Push "F6" key to get help on relative sprite (must enter TAG#1 value first)
    Use the "Scroll Lock" key to select the player starting point

    Use variations of H or ALT + H to change Hitag (TAG#1) of sprites/walls or

    Use variations of T or ALT + T to change Lotag (TAG#2) of sprites/walls or

    To change a Boolean Tag press "; + 1,2,3..." for Bool#11 you must press
    "; + SHIFT + 1"


    If you want to learn more read the .TXT and .DOC files that come with
    Shadow Warrior, hopefully after building one or two simple things the
    rest will come easily as you become acquainted with the Build engine.

    P.S. Don't try to learn everything off by heart, you will just get
    confused, so print out or write down the specific details you need for the
    project you're working on.
Title                   : Turret help
Filename(s)             : Turethlp.map and Turethlp.txt
Author                  : Brett Anderson
E-mail Address          : darkassassin@rocketmail.com
Author info.            : 16yr old high school student from Melbourne,
Level Description       : This .TXT file and the accompanying .MAP file
                          should help those of you who are having trouble
                          building turrets in Shadow Warrior.
Additional Credits      : 3drealms for this cool game!
Base                    : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used          : Build by Ken Silverman
Known Bugs              : None
Hope you all can benefit from my efforts, if you have any questions regarding
turrets in Shadow Warrior please E-mail me.  See ya'll later and happy gaming!

    First of all when I say "sprite" in this document I am referring to the
    ST1 sprite (tile#2307), you place a sprite by pushing the "S" key, in
    either 2D or 3D mode (I use 2D mode as it allows more accurate placement)

1)  Build a big rectangle that will be just a bit bigger than your turret,
    keep it a rectangle and no other shapes...just t be safe,

2)  Make the rectangle "player space" (ALT+S),

3)  Give all 4 sides of the rectangle sector a TAG#2 of 504, and the centre
    sector a TAG#1 of 98 or 96.

4)  Draw in your turret, and make all the sectors "player space,"

5)  Go to 3D mode and raise the sectors to your desired height,

6)  Pick some textures you like for your turret, look at 3drealm's turrets for
    some ideas ($Bullet.map)

7)  Place a "Bound_so_upper" sprite (TAG#1=530) just outside the top left
    of the outer rectangle (about 2 or 3 grid squares),

8)  Place a "Bound_so_lower" sprite (TAG#1=531) just outside the lower right
    of the outer rectangle (about 2 or 3 grid squares),

9)  Place a "Sect_operational" sprite (TAG#1=1) in the centre sector of your
    boat (the sector the player stand in to drive the boat)

10) Place a "So_angle" sprite (TAG#1=16) in the centre sector, and point it
    towards the front of the boat (use < > :greater than/less than keys),

11) Place a "So_limit_turn" (TAG#1=68) sprite in the centre sector and
    do the following to the spirte.  The value of TAG#2=the "degrees of turn"
    that the turret can turn: a TAG#2 of 512 means the turret can turn 90
    degrees either side (180 degrees, total range of motion) 
12) Place a "Sound_spot" sprite (TAG#1=134) in the centre sector.  TAG#4 is
    the 1st sound, TAG#5 is the 2nd sound and TAG#6 is the 3rd sound.  With a
    turret only 1 sound is needed so use TAG#4.  For the turret, I used a
    TAG#4 value of 149. The last thing you do to this sprite is change the
    BOOL#2 value to 1.

13) Place a "So_max_damage" sprite (TAG#1=76) in the centre sector.  TAG#2
    is the maximum amount of damage the vehicle can take.  A good value for
    turrets' TAG#2 is around 500.

14) Place another "Sound_spot" sprite (TAG#1=134) towards the front of the
    boat, (it must be outside the centre sector) near the gun/cannon etc. you
    drew (you did draw one...didn't you?)  Give the new sound sprite a unique
    TAG#2 (ie:10) and give it a TAG#4 value of 276, no TAG#5 value is needed.

15) Place a "Spawn_spot" sprite (TAG#1=69) in the centre sector.  Give it a
    TAG#3 value of 3 (this creates smoke!) Give it a TAG#5 of -1, if you
    want the turret to be broken at the beggining or a TAG#5 value of 0 if
    you want the turret to be at full health.  Give this sprite the same
    unique TAG#2 as you gave the second "Sound_spot" sprite, (remember? ie:10)

    Congrat's you just built you very own turret for Shadow Warrior:

===>Help...my turret doesn't shoot!!

    Go to 2D mode and place a "So_shoot_point" sprite (TAG#1=62) in about 5
    grid squares away from the barrel or muzzle of the gun (it should be same
    height as barrel or a little higher).  To select ammunition type you must
    change TAG#3 (Hit F6 key while in 2D mode and with pointer on sprite to get a
    list of all TAG# values)

    Once you have done all of the above go into 3D mode and push the "R" key
    on ALL of the turrets surfaces that are facing towards the roof until you get
    the message: "Floor relative On" this will stop the texture on these
    surfaces from moving while the turret is.

*   By the way if you change the color color a floor texture using the
    palette (RIGHT ALT + P) when Low Wang stand on it he will turn the same
    color (simulates standing in colored light).  If you don't want this
    place a "Sect_dont_copy_palette" sprite (TAG#1=47) in every sector where
    you don't want Lo Wang to change color or shade.

    General Build help:

    (In 3D mode)
    Use the "." (period) key to align textures,

    Use the "/" (forward slash) key to make textures return to original

    Use the "Page up" key to raise a sector

    Use the "Page down" key to lower a sector

    (In 2D mode)
    Use the "< >" (less than/greater than) keys to change the direction a
    sprite is facing

    Push "ALT + S" to make a "white" sector into a "red" (player space) sector 

    Push "F6" key to get help on relative sprite (must enter TAG#1 value first)
    Use the "Scroll Lock" key to select the player starting point

    Use variations of H or ALT + H to change Hitag (TAG#1) of sprites/walls or

    Use variations of T or ALT + T to change Lotag (TAG#2) of sprites/walls or

    To change a Boolean Tag press "; + 1,2,3..." for Bool#11 you must press
    "; + SHIFT + 1"


    If you want to learn more read the .TXT and .DOC files that come with
    Shadow Warrior, hopefully after building one or two simple things the
    rest will come easily as you become acquainted with the Build engine.

    P.S. Don't try to learn everything off by heart, you will just get
    confused, so print out or write down the specific details you need for the
    project you're working on.