Roof as seen on top of the Brothel (E2L6) By Big Rodge ======================================== This effect should work the same way as the hole in the floor effect but, guess what, it doesn't. That would be too easy. Start by building a rectangle, make it quite big. Add your sky, floor and walls. Next build a large rectangle inside the playing area. This rectangle will be the sector just outside the building. Press Alt + S inside the sector to change the sides of the rectangle from white to red. Give this sector the ceiling tile number 13. Press P so that the pink is parallaxed. Build another sector inside the red sector. For the time being, leave it white. Add two sector effects in the red sector. Make sure the bottom SE's tail is pointing down, give this a high-tag of 3 and a lo-tag of 153. Give the second SE (the top one = tail pointing up) a high-tag of 3 and a lo-tag of 151. Add two sector effects in any area where the player will be able to see the roof. Orientate them the same way (top = tail up, bottom = tail down) and give the top one a high-tag of 2 and a lo-tag of 154. Give the bottom SE a high-tag of 3 and a lo-tag of 153. Now use copying to create a roof area at another part of the map. This time, press ALT + S in the middle white area so that the white walls turn red. Now go into 3d mode and move the floor (of central and outside sectors) up to the pink ceiling. Once there, move the pink ceiling up and give it the sky tile. Now is where it gets difficult. Still on the roof, bring the OUTSIDE sector down to the floor. The floor should be given the pink tile 13 and be parallexed Now go onto the central sector (which is your roof) and bring that up 2 (using page up). Give it a wood tile or something. Now, add two SE's in the parallexed roof bit. Top (tail up) a high-tag of 3 and a lo-tag of 150. The bottom one (tail down) a high-tag of 3 and a lo-tag of 152. That's it. Add your chimney and things to the central sector on your roof. Any problems, e-mail me them at Chris@