Edittset Made E Z

   Howdy! So you want a quick start to importing your own graphics
or altering the graphics already in Redneck Rampage??? Well by
cracky you are in the right place.

   This tutorial will NOT be the last word in Edittset but you will
be able to use it if you follow these steps.

1) You must have edittset.exe in your Redneck directory.

2) You must EXTRACT the tiles from Redneck. You can do that be doing
                  a) Make sure the program kextract.exe is in your
                     Redneck directory.

                  b) Type kextract redneck.grp *.art
                     you will then have mucho megabytes
                     of tiles00x.art files on your hard disk.

3) Start edittset by typing ----> edittset.

4) You will come up to a screen that has the default makemap tile.
   It is yellow and red.

5) At this point you have some options.

                  a) Type   V   This will bring up a screen filled
                     with tiles. You can scroll using the
                     down arrow key or page down key
                     to view ALL the tiles


                  b) Type  G   If you select G in the lower LEFT
                     of your screen you will be able to type in
                     a tile number and go right to it. Use 2334.

6) Go try that now. One step at a time.

7) Lets do this.
                  a) Start edittset. Type  G and type in 2334.
                     NOW hit F12. You have just captured that tile
                     to a file called capt0001.pcx which is in your
                     redneck directory. It looks just like the tile

                  b) Go look at the pcx file using your favorite
                     graphics program. Do that now.

                  c) Your back...good. First we will just alter the
                     captured tile. It is slightly easier. You can use
                     edittset.....BUT why? It is a clunker.

                  d) Go back to your favorite graphics program and load
                     in capt0001.pcx.  Do ANYTHING you want to the pcx
                     file. Put in text, draw scribbles..anything except
                     add another graphic to it. Save it!

                  e) Not all the tiles that you
                     extracted are images. There are empty
                     spaces to put your art. Your art isn't usable
                     until you place it in an art file.

                  f) Start edittset. From the initial screen type  G
                     Then in the lower left type in 940. This will take
                     you to tile 940 in tilesart.002  It is blank.

                  g) Type  U  In the upper left you will see capt0001.pcx
                     select it and hit  ENTER. Using your mouse and the left
                     button select the portion of the image you want to
                     import into your tiles002.art file.

                  h) When you have made your selection press  ENTER. The
                     tile will then be available for incorporation into
                     your tiles002.art. If you think you are going to
                     save the tile press   N  this allows you to name it.
                     To make to tile usable press  V  You will be asked
                     if you want to save the tile. The choice is yours!
                     If you elect to save it the tile will be compiled
                     into tiles002.art.

                  i) Go and start up makemap and point at any surface. Hit
                     V  then G  then type in 940 hit enter, enter and
                     VOILA!!!!!  You did it!

     My next tutorial will be on adding completly new graphics. It isn't
     much different but there are considerations.


Welcome to part two of my Edittset tutorial.

This lesson will deal with insuring that transparent portions
of new images will indeed be transparent.

1) Capture to file(see lesson 1) the tile 1829. I selected
   this because it has the pink background which is transparent
   in gameplay.

2) In your favorite graphics program change the 71 to say 41
   as I did in my YooperLand map. I recommended changing the pcx
   at this point into a gif. I don't know why but pcx or bmp's
   would not work for me, they may for you.

3) Start edittset and pull you gif or pcx or whatever you chose into
   an editable screen. Remember how? (See lesson 1). Place the
   itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie cursor on the pink area. Then press
   BACKSPACE. This will change the color under the cursor to the
   transparent color (which it may appear to already be).

        CONSIDERASTION:  During my art editing I used my favorite
                         graphics program color picker on an
                         unaltered tile, namely 1829. I selected
                         the pink background and then changed
                         the color, which was already pink on my
                         altered tile. The color looked right but
                         wasn't. Thats why I have added this step.

   Then press TAB. This effectively  selects the color under the
   cursor. Then press  C  this will change all the pixels in the file
   to the transparent color. Of course, you can do this for any
