REDNECK RAMPAGE MAKEMAP TUTORIAL #2 - Creating tractor trailer trucks
By Bruce Hamilton

1)Begin by making the trailer box to appropriate size.  I use sixteen
 squares long by four squares wide on the default grid size. Raise it up 
to height of standard tractor trailer box (hitting page up twenty eight 
times is close), then place trailer side texture (2323) on all sides and 
top of box. Create a bumper sector on one end of the trailer.  Scroll
 textures with shift/arrow keys on numpad.  Resize textures with arrows 
without shift key.

2)The blue Peterbuilt is simple to create.  Make a sector four squares by 
four squares on other end of the trailer box. Raise it up to height 
(hitting page up twenty times is good), then place cab front texture (220) 
on front, place cab side (221) on both sides, then size/scroll textures per
 step 1.

3)The red Kenworth is a little more complex to build.  Begin with the trailer
 box as outlined in step 1. Build a sector four squares wide by three 
squares long, and raise it up as described in step 2. Place rig side texture 
(2321) on both sides, and size/scroll them into position as described in 
step 1.  

4)Create a sector four squares wide by one square long, and raise it up even
 with the previous sector.  Define the back wall as #1, and angle the front 
wall down approximately 60 degrees.  Place rig side texture (2319) on both
 sides, size/scroll per step 1, adjusting angle of windshield as required.

5)Create a sector four squares wide by two squares long, angling the side 
lines inward by one square, and raise it up to the bottom of the windshield. 
Define the back wall as #1, and lower the front wall a couple presses of the
 bracket button to create a sloped nose for the truck.  Place rig side
 texture (2319) on both sides, size/scroll per step 1, and adjust angle as
 required. Place metal vent sprite (3684) on nose of truck to resemble a 
truck's grill.

6)Create a flair sector on both sides of truck, raise them up to approximate
 height, and place wheel texture (2318) on both, size/scroll as needed.
 Place large picture frame corners (2859) as shown, then size/scroll as 
needed. Give corners a palette of 2 to turn them red, then adjust them to 
match the truck. Add headlights (246), then size/scroll them into position.
 Add windshield (2322) and exhaust (860), then create a bumper and add 

