REDNECK RAMPAGE MAKEMAP TUTORIAL#14-CONVEYOR BELTS by Matt Newcomb ----------------------------------------------------------- This is how to make conveyor belts and other similarly moving sectors: Make a sector and put in a sector effector sprite. Give the Sprite a Lotag of 24. The direction in which the tail points determines the direction of travel. If the tail points up, the floor moves up, etc. If you make a round sector, like in the example map, any objects you place in the sector will move to the central point that connects the different sectors after a while. You can assign a switch to activate the effect by giving the switch a Lotag equal to the Sector Effector's Hitag (give the SE a Hitag of any number not used by other SE sprites in the map). ----------------------------------------------------------- This map and text file created by Matt Newcomb. You may distribute it at will. If you post any of my tutorials on a web page, you must include one of the following: an email link to me, a link to my page, or the words "by Matt Newcomb" or "by Newc". Email:striker@ Page:www