by Matt Newcomb
This is how to make conveyor belts and other similarly
moving sectors:
Make a sector and put in a sector effector sprite. Give the
Sprite a Lotag of 24. The direction in which the tail 
points determines the direction of travel. If the tail
points up, the floor moves up, etc. If you make a round
sector, like in the example map, any objects you place in
the sector will move to the central point that connects the
different sectors after a while. You can assign a switch
to activate the effect by giving the switch a Lotag equal
to the Sector Effector's Hitag (give the SE a Hitag of
any number not used by other SE sprites in the map).
This map and text file created by Matt Newcomb.
You may distribute it at will. If you post any of my
tutorials on a web page, you must include one of the
following: an email link to me, a link to my page,
or the words "by Matt Newcomb" or "by Newc".