Editart Key List
By Jonah Bishop
Version 1.0

This file is copyright (c) 1997 by Jonah Bishop.

Version Information
V1.0 - Everything is new.

[A]               Sets the animation speed of the current tile.  Press
                  the [+] and [-] keys to change the speed of animation.
                  There are 16 speeds to cycle through, and once you
                  have selected the speed you want, press [ENTER].

[C]               Change all the pixels on the tile, having the same
                  color under the cursor, to the color currently

[F]               Floodfill a region with the selected color, and with
                  the current color as a boundary.

[G]               Goto a tile by typing in the tile's number.

[J]               Randomly plots dots of current color over any pixels
                  having the same color as the color under the cursor.

[M]               Back up a tile into a temporary memory buffer.

[N]               Name a tile.  Naming the tile changes the #define
                  statement in NAMES.H.  Use this to make names for
                  sprites you wish to find quickly (i.e. - the name
                  of the sprite you want to use might be CANDYBAR).

[O]               Optimize the size of an individual piece of artwork.
                  Use this for tiles with invisible pixels on the sides.

[P]               Restore the tile in the temporary memory buffer.
                  [M] sets the tile to be backed up.

[R]               Rotate the tile in a specified direction.

[ALT]+[R]         Generate a tile frequency report by scanning all the
                  maps in the directory.  Use in "V" mode only!

[S]               Resize a tile.  The X and Y sizes can be any unsigned
                  short integer.  X sizes range from 0 to 1024 and Y 
                  sizes from 0 to 240.

[T]               Turn drawing trail on or off.

[U]               Use this key to import a section of either a .BMP,
                  .PCX, or .GIF file.  The following keys are used with
                  this keystroke:

                  [ENTER] - Convert the image that is inside the
                            rectangular selection window to the BUILD
                  [SPACE] - Convert the image that is inside the
                            rectangular selection window without 
                            changing the palette.
                  [P]     - When selecting the parts of the picture you
                            want to use, and you press [P], the palette
                            of the current picture will become the
                            palette used by BUILD.

[ALT]+[U]         Re-grabs the artwork from the original pictures,
                  according to what the CAPFIL.TXT file says.  Pressing
                  [ALT]+[U] in the main screen will re-grab everything.
                  If you press it in "V" mode, first select the boundaries
                  with the [1] and [2] keys.

[V]               View and select a tile to edit.  The following keys can
                  be used with this keystroke:

                  [SPACE] - To swap 2 tiles simply press [SPACE] on the
                            first tile, the press [SPACE] on the second.
                  [1,2,3] - To move a group of tiles to a new location in
                            the current .ART file, press [1] on the first
                            tile in the group, [2] on the last tile, and
                            [3] at the place where you want to move the

[1]               Mark the first portion of a tile you wish to copy.

[2]               Mark the other portion of a tile you wish to copy.

[3]               Paste the portion of a tile that you copied onto another

[4]               Flip the copied portion x-wise.

[5]               Flip the copied portion y-wise.

[-]               Change the animation setting.  To change the setting,
                  press [-] when the animation value is 0.
                  There are four different types of animation.  Here is an
                  example of each:

                  NoAnm=4 sequence: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,... (no animation)
                  Oscis=4 sequence: 0,1,2,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,2,... (oscillate)
                  AnmFD=4 sequence: 0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,... (forwards)
                  AnmBK=4 sequence: 0,3,2,1,0,3,2,1,0,3,2,... (backwards)

[+]               See [-].

[DELETE]          Short cut key.  Sets both the X and Y sizes to 0 (thus
                  deleting the tile).

[PGUP]            Select a tile to edit (scrolls through all the tiles).

[PGDN]            See [PGUP].

[~]               Centers a sprite.  Use the arrow keys to center the sprite.
                  This key is right above the TAB key.

[F12]             Screen shot.  Saves the current as a *.BMP file.

[ESC]             Quits.

[ARROW KEYS]      Moves the cursor.

[SHIFT]+[ARROWS]  Changes the current color.

[SPACE]           Plots a pixel under the cursor with the selected color.

[TAB]             Select the color under the cursor.

[BACKSPACE]       Set the color to 255, which is the transparency color.

[;]               3-Dimentionalize an image.

[']               3-Dimentionalixes the image the opposite way of [;].