Duke Nukem 3D Build Key Reference Guide
Rich-Text Format Version 1.6
Authored by: Jonah Bishop
Copyright (c) 1999
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Special Text Conventions Used in This File
Keys with the (Usage ???) text beside them have an unknown usage. Let me know if you have a use for them.
Keys with the (Version 1.4 and 1.5 Compatible Only) text beside them only work with the Build version that came with versions 1.4 and 1.5 of Duke Nukem 3D.
Version Information
Version 1.0
Everything is new.
Version 1.1
Alphabetized keys. Made some changes to errors. Added a few keys that were left out. Made the list a little easier to read.
Version 1.2
Added some new keys. Added that some keys only work with PPAK.
Version 1.3
Added several new keys. Clarified some old keys that were not known about. Heavily reformatted this file.
Version 1.4
Added a key I accidentally left out ([CTRL]+[Z]). Also added the "Checked all Pointers" key combination : [ENTER]+[LEFT CTRL]+[LEFT SHIFT]. Thanks to SemiCharm for bringing this combo to my attention. Updated the [ENTER] key as well.
Version 1.5
Many various changes. Brand new information for the [']+[DEL] key command in 3D mode (thanks to Joe Barta for providing that information). Added the [CTRL]+[H] key combination left out in the 2D key list section. Updated the following key commands with new or changed information:
2D Mode
* [RIGHT ALT] * [F11]
* [F1] * [INSERT]
* [F2] * [TAB]
* [F3] * [ALT]+[TAB]
* [F4]
3D Mode
* [CTRL]+[A] * [F2] * [CTRL]+[PGUP] * [ALT]+[V]
* [B] * [F3] * [CTRL]+[PGDN] * [']+[/]
* [C] * [F4] * [']+[Q] * [NUMBERPAD *]
* [']+[CAPSLOCK] * [M] * [R] * [NUMBERPAD /]
* [']+[D] * [']+[P] * [TAB]
Version 1.6
Added the [ALT]+[D] key combination for 3D mode. Thanks to Joe Barta for passing along this information. Also updated the [.] key command for 3D mode.
2D Mode
In this section, all of the keyboard commands for 2D mode will be listed.
Zoom in.
Used with the mouse to select all sectors within a rectangular area. After selecting the desired sectors, the [INS] key can be pressed to copy the selected sectors. Selected sectors can also be rotated with the [<] and [>] keys.
Toggles the "block movement" flag on a line or sprite.
Turns a line into a circle. Move the mouse around to change the circle itself. [+] and [-] changes the number of points on the circle, [Spacebar] draws the circle, and [C] aborts the process.
Moves the players position. Right mouse button also performs this action.
Moves the player position at a higher speed than above.
Deletes a sprite.
Delete the current sector (the one that the white arrow is in).
[E] (Usage ???)
Changes a sprites status list number.
Displays the message "Highlighted line pointers checked". This supposedly fixes lines that have had problems (see the following key command). I'm assuming that this key combo only works with the vertices that are currently selected.
Displays the message "ALL POINTERS CHECKED!". This supposedly fixes lines that have had problems. For instance, if a red line is accidentally changed into 2 white lines (how this would happen I don't know, but SemiCharm says it works), checking all the pointers changes it back to a red line. This might be the command that fixes some problems when editing in 2D mode.
Pops up the Escape Menu: (N)ew, (L)oad, (S)ave, save (A)s, (Q)uit
(N)ew - Starts a new map
(L)oad - Brings up a selection list of all .MAP files (DOES NOT PROMPT YOU TO SAVE YOUR WORK!)
(S)ave - Saves the map under the current name, overwriting any level with the same name. If the level is unnamed, the level is automatically saved as NEWBOARD.MAP
save (A)s - Asks for a name to save the map under. Use this when saving a new map for the first time
(Q)uit - Quits the editor after asking you if you really want to quit, and if you want to save your work
Displays a short help screen, and the version number of Build. Also moves the current Build position one unit to the left.
Moves the current Build position one unit to the right.
Moves the current Build position by one unit upwards.
Moves the current Build position by one unit downwards.
If you are in a valid sector, this will show some general information about your map, including the name, number of items in the level (blue numbers represent items found only in Dukematch), and more.
If a sprite is selected, it will display a help screen listing the numbers of all sector effectors and their function. If a sprite is not selected, it displays some information about your level such as next free tag and number of monsters placed.
Shows a help screen with all sector lotags and their function.
Allows you to search for a wall with specific hi and lotags. If a sprite is highlighted, you can search for a sprite with hi and lotags also. '[' and ']' start the search.
Same as [F8], but allows you to search for a sector instead.
Changes the current angle of the Build position by rotating one unit to the right.
[F11] (Usage???)
Displays some sort of cryptic message ("Grabbed Wall Picnum #" where # is the number of the "wall picnum" grabbed).
Takes a .PCX screen shot. Turn off the grid before using this feature.
Changes the grid size.
Set the sector hitag.
Sets the sprite or wall hitag.
Sets the "Hitscan" bit on a two-sided (red) line.
Inserts something. If some objects (points or sectors) are selected, it will copy these and insert them (don't forget to drag them afterwards). If nothing is selected, it inserts a point on the selected line.
Joins two neighboring sectors. Press [J] in the first sector and again in the adjacent one. The adjacent sector will take on all settings (ceiling height, textures, etc.) of the first sector.
Toggle grid lock. The color of the mouse cursor tells which mode Build is currently in: red is grid locking on, white is grid locking off.
Displays a memory status window. This option is not recommended, as Build begins to act strangely.
Switches between 2D and 3D modes.
Insert a sprite. It is possible to store a sprite in 3D mode by pressing [TAB] on it, making it the default sprite to insert.
Turn an inner sector into valid player space.
Moves the starting position to the current Build position. NOTE: If the start position is made outside of the map in an invalid area, the level will crash upon starting.
Used with the mouse to select a rectangular region of objects to move. Press this key again to deselect the selection.
Select all points of a sector. These points can then be dragged around with the left mouse button, and can be "stamped" (copied) with the [INSERT] key.
Draws new sectors.
Set the sector lotag.
Sets the sprite or wall lotag.
Toggles the tag box display on sprites, walls, and sectors.
Shows information on the current sector:
Sector - The number of the sector
Firstwall - The number of the first wall (Changeable with [ALT]+[F])
Numberofwalls - The number of walls surrounding this sector
Firstsprite - The number of the first sprite in this sector
Tags - The hitags and lotags of the sector (also shown in HEX). These values are changeable with the [H] and [T] keys.
Extra - Described as "Used by the Game Programmer Only"
Visibility - The visibility in this sector
Pixel Height - The height of the room in pixels. Each [PGUP] or [PGDN] changes this by 4 (which equals 256 units)
Ceiling Flags - The ceiling flag shown in HEX. The flags are as follows:
0: Set if parallaxing [P]
1: Set if tilted '[' or ']'
2: Set if x and y are swapped [F]
3: Set if texture size is halved [E]
4: Set if x-flipped [F]
5: Set if y-flipped [F]
6: Set if texture aligned with first sector wall [ALT]+[F]
(x,y) pan - The x,y amount the ceiling has been panned. Use the numberpad arrow keys for this.
Shade byte - The amount of shade on the ceiling (0 is full bright, less than 0 is brighter, and greater than 0 is darker)
Z-Coordinate - The z-coordinate of the ceiling. Smaller means higher. [PGUP] or [PGDN] changes this by 1024 units.
Tile Number - The number of the ceiling texture. Use [V] to change
Ceiling heinum - Amount of tilt
Palookup number - Color palette to use (0 is normal)
Shows information on the current wall or sprite:
Wall - Number of the wall (red lines are actually two walls, so it is important which sector you are in when pressing [ALT]+[TAB])
X-coordinate - X-coordinate of the wall
Y-coordinate - Y-coordinate of the wall (same as above if wall is horizontal)
Point 2 - Number of the next wall to the right, in the same sector.
Sector - Sector number the wall is in
Tags - The hitag and lotag values for this wall, also shown in HEX
Wall Flags:
0: Set if wall blocks movement [B]
1: Set if wall has two different textures [2]
2: Set if tile is aligned to ceiling (0 if floor) [O]
3: Set if x-flipped [F]
4: Set if masking wall (like window) [M]
5: Set if 1-way wall [1]
6: Set if hitscan enabled [H]
7: Set if transparent [T]
8: Set if y-flipped [F]
9: Set if reverse transparent (?) [T]
Sprite Flags:
0: Set if sprite blocks movement [B]
1: Set if sprite is transparent [T]
2: Set if flipped left/right [F]
3: Set if flipped up/down [F]
4: Set if sprite is flat upright [R]
5: Set if sprite is flat on ground [R]
6: Set if sprite is single-sided [1]
7: Set if sprite is half-submerged [C]
8: Set if hitscan enabled [CTRL]+[H]
9: Set if very transparent [T]
Shade - The amount of shade on the walls (smaller is brighter). Use [+] and [-] to change.
(X,Y) repeat - Used to stretch textures
(X,Y) pan - Used to move textures
Tile number - The texture number used on this wall
OverTile number - The extra texture number for 1-way and masked walls
Nextsector - The number of the sector on the other side of the wall (-1 if there is not one)
Nextwall - Number of the wall on the other side (only used if the wall is two-sided)
Extra - Described as "Used by the Game Programmer Only"
Wall Length - Wall length in pixels. The grid at maximum height has a square width of 64 pixels
Pixel height - Height of the wall in pixels
Zoom out.
Changes the tag display mode.
0: No tags displayed
1: Show sector tags only
2: Show wall tags only
3: Show sprite tags only
4: Show all tags
5: Show item tags only
6: Show tags of current sprite only
[ and ]
Allows you to search either forward or backward for a certain sector or wall. Select the tags to look for using [F8] for walls, and [F9] for sectors and then press [ to search backwards and ] to search forwards. If the sector or wall/sprite is found, the map will jump to it, placing the cursor at one of the points.
[<] and [>]
Changes the angle of a sprite or selected sector.
[SHIFT]+[<] and [SHIFT]+[>]
Change the angle of the sprite or selected sector in smaller increments.
3D Mode
This section covers all of the keyboard commands in 3D mode.
Raises your viewing height in the level.
[']+[A] (Versions 1.4 and 1.5 Compatible Only)
Autosize on or off.
Aims your current viewing angle down.
Toggles the "block movement" flag on a masked wall, one-way wall, or a sprite.
Sprite centering ("half-submerged"). If a sprite is resting directly on the floor, and [C] is pressed when the cursor is over it, the center of the sprite will rest on the floor. Very nice when making effects that deal with sector raising and lowering.
Changes the global shade of a sector to the shade of the object currently selected.
Cycles between three different movement modes:
Game Mode: You walk around like the player in the game.
Height Lock: You are always at the same height above the floor.
Float Mode: You're completely unaffected by the floor.
[']+[CAPSLOCK] (Versions 1.4 and 1.5 Compatible Only)
Turns autorun on or off (But it doesn't seem to work).
Moves the player around, just as if in the game. [LEFT SHIFT] and the cursor keys at the same time, will speed up your movement.
[']+[D] (Versions 1.4 and 1.5 Compatible Only)
Changes the skill level of the selected actor sprite. In versions 1.3D, this key command is available, but does not work.
Alters the clipdist (clipping distance) of a sprite. The value for this can be anything from 0 to 255. When a sprite or actor is blocked (see the [B] key above), a "force field" (for lack of a better term) is set up around the sprite. The clipdist value determines how close an actor can get to the sprite before being blocked by that invisible "force field". The lower the value, the closer the player or an actor can get. A clipdist of 255 equals the distance of the largest grid size in Build which equals 1024 Build units. The default for <value> seems to be 32. Also, it would appear that this only works on a sprite that rotates with the player. If you press the [R] key to align the sprite to the grid or to the floor, altering the clipdist value has no effect. In addition, this attribute does not work on all sprites. At this time there is no explanation for why this primitive should either work or not work.
Deletes the current sprite you are pointing at.
Sets the cstat to 0. The cstat function tells a sprite (via coding in the CON files) what type of sprite to be (flat on the floor, transparent, etc.). This command removes all user-set flags, placing the sprite in "default" mode.
Toggles the tile size of floors/ceilings between default (large) and small.
Copies the selected object to whatever you are currently pointing at. The shade and the x-repeat values are copied as well.
Copies the tile only, leaving everything else (shade, size) as it is normally.
Copies the selected texture to all walls in a closed loop. Use this to change the texture of a whole room at once.
Copy the shade value only.
Auto-shades a sector. Make one of the walls the lightest shade, and another the darkest one. Point to the lightest wall, press [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[ENTER], and all the walls will be smoothly shaded. WARNING: This function has been known to not work as well as it should have, as it can crash the system, and produce undesirable effects.
Displays the message "Do you really want to quit?". Press [Y] to quit, and [N] to back out. Build will then prompt to save your level if you do decide to quit.
Flips the selected texture. Walls can be flipped 4 ways, while ceilings and floors can be flipped 8 ways.
Determines which wall will be the 'first wall'. Use this to make tilted floors and ceilings tilt in the right direction.
Displays a short help screen that lists the less commonly used commands. Press the key again to remove it.
Moves the current Build position one unit to the right.
Moves the current Build position one unit forwards.
Moves the current Build position one unit backwards.
Screws up the 3D display, forcing you back to 2D mode.
Same as [F5].
Same as [F5].
Same as [F5].
Rotates the current view left by a small amount.
Rotates the current view right by a small amount.
Changes the gamma correction. The settings are not saved when exiting Build.
Takes a .PCX screen shot.
[G] (Usage ???)
This is supposed to give a floor height mapping.
Toggles the display of the selected texture (used with [TAB]).
Toggles the "hitscan" bit on a two-sided wall. If this bit is set, the wall will show bullet holes when shot (or will perform appropriately). When used on a sprite, the sprite blocks bullets even when it might not block you.
Allows you to change the hitag of the selected object.
Creates a masked wall. Point at the floor near a two-sided wall to create one. Note that maskable walls have two independent side that must be edited.
Make a maskable wall with only one side. You will be able to see through in one direction.
These change the size of a texture or sprite. You can use this to size tiles to the correct proportions, and change the size of sprites. These keys only scroll the texture on floors and ceilings. The keys are [2], [4], [6], [8] on the keypad.
These keys are used to "scroll" the texture of the wall, without resizing it.
Changes the wall orientation. A wall texture can start on either the floor or the ceiling. Useful on DOOM-like doors (the door rail doesn't move with the door). When used on sprites, this can cause the sprite to be on either side of a two-sided wall. So if you have a sprite that disappears from view when playing the game, and it is on a two-sided line, this will change the side of the line the sprite is on.
Parallax the floor or ceiling. Only works well on some textures (city scapes, sky, etc.)
Change the palette of the selected object.
Sets the type of parallaxing (there are 3 different types).
[']+[P] (Usage ???) (Version 1.4 and 1.5 Compatible Only)
Turns Global Parallax Panning Off.
Raises the height of the object that you are pointing at. If you are pointing at a wall, the corresponding ceiling will be change height.
Lowers the height of the object that you are pointing at.
Places a sprite exactly on the ceiling. In version 1.4 of Build (the version that came with versions 1.4 and 1.5 of Duke Nukem 3D), this command can raise the height of a floor or ceiling by a factor of 8.
Places a sprite exactly on the floor. In version 1.4 of Build (the version that came with versions 1.4 and 1.5 of Duke Nukem 3D), this command can lower the height of a floor or ceiling by a factor of 8.
[']+[Q] (Usage ???) (Version 1.4 and 1.5 Compatible Only)
Turns "Quick Speed" on.
Toggles the floor/ceiling tiles between relative and absolute alignment. In absolute alignment, the floor and ceiling tiles are aligned to the grid itself. In relative alignment, the tiles align themselves to the first wall of the sector. This is useful for oddly shaped, rotating, and moving sectors. This also makes floors and walls move with moving sectors (subways, etc.).
Toggles the FPS (frames per second) display.
Inserts a sprite at the pointer's location.
Allows you to change the shade of the selected object.
Toggles the transparency flag on a wall or sprite. There are three states: normal (can't see through), slightly transparent, and very transparent. For walls, only two sided walls are able to have this function performed on them.
Allows you to change the lotag of the selected object.
Places the current sprite or texture into the memory buffer. It remembers the tile number, the shade and texture setup, and the current cstat value. When used, some text appears on the screen, showing you the name, lotag and hitag, number of times it is used in the map, and MEM (amount of RAM free?). If the graphic toggle is on (use [']+[G]), and image of the selected object is shown as well. In version 1.3D, pressing [TAB] again turns the text off. The text automatically disappears in later versions of Build.
Change the selected tile or sprite.
[ALT]+[V] (Usage ???)
This is supposed to change the "groudraw height map".
Allows you to change the visibility of the selected object.
Toggles the display between several different modes: Display all sprites,
No Effectors (Sprites 1-10 are not displayed), No actors (No players or monsters shown), and None (No actors of effectors shown)
Toggles purple background. When a Hall of Mirrors error effect occurs, this command draws a purple space instead of just distorting the image as a regular HOM effect does. Very useful in finding HOM effects in your levels.
Lowers your viewing height in the level.
Aims the player's view up.
Create a one-way wall. This is only possible to do on a two
sided line, and this command will create a wall that has a
texture on only one side.
If a wall has both a top and a bottom to it, this command will
make it possible to edit both the top and bottom textures.
Decreases the visibility of a sector.
Increases the visibility of a sector.
Decreases the global visibility for the whole map.
Increases the global visibility for the whole map.
[']+[-] and [']+[+] (Version 1.4 and 1.5 Compatible Only)
Changes the gamma value in Build by + or - 2 units. These values are not saved.
[ and ]
Makes a sector change it's slope value. The first wall function usually must be set in order to get the results you want. See [ALT]+[F].
[RIGHT ALT]+'[' and [RIGHT ALT]+']'
Matches the angle of a slope exactly with the sector next to it. Extremely handy for making quick, exact sloping surfaces.
Resets a texture or sprite to normal size.
[']+[/] (Version 1.4 and 1.5 Compatible Only)
Autosize a sprite (this feature is very handy). Use this to set the actual height of monsters, weapons, and other sprites. Not all sprites are affected by this key command.
This key is located on the number pad, between the divide and the minus keys. When used in the texture selection screen (see [V]) this key make the tiles shown smaller than they currently are. Very handy for viewing multiple tiles at once. There are three settings (small, default, and large).
This key is located on the number pad, between the Num Lock and the multiplication (*) keys. When used in the texture selection screen (see [V]) this key makes the tiles shown larger than they currently are. Very handy for seeing exactly what the textures look like. There are three settings (small, default, and large).
Tries to auto-align all walls to the right of the selected wall. WARNING: It's a good idea to save your level before using this feature of Build. This feature, when used with certain textures, can cause Build to crash.