MAPEDIT has two modes, both of which are essential:
3D EDIT MODE presents a real-time view of the level as
viewed in the game.
2D EDIT MODE overhead view of the entire board.
You can switch between the modes by pressing Keypad Enter.
Use A and Z to zoom in and out.
ESC = Quit
keypad ENTER = Flip to the 2D EDIT MODE
Mouse = Move mouse cursor
Arrows = Movement
Caps Lock = There are 3 different movement modes
Gravity: Game mode (default). You have gravity.
Step mode: Use A and Z to move up and down in steps.
Free mode: Use A and Z to move up and down freely.
NOTE: For the following keys, it is important to move the mouse cursor to the right position before using them. Remember that if you hold down the left mouse button, the item under the cursor will be locked as the highlighted object until the button is released. This is useful for the PGUP/DN keys and shading.
There are 4 basic types of objects that can be worked
with in this part of the editor:
PGUP/DN = Raise or Lower a ceiling or floor. (If a wall is selected, the ceiling of that sector will move) Also, if you did a sector highlight in 2D EDIT MODE, you can raise / lower multiple sectors at a time.
Ctrl+PGUP/DN = Puts sprites exactly on the floor or exactly on the ceiling. Also, adjust ceiling or floor height to that of adjacent sector.
V = Tile selection - use arrow keys to move around. Press ENTER to change the object to the highlighted piece of artwork, or press ESC to cancel without changes made.
ALT+V = Height selection - works just like V, but this selects the groudraw height map. W = Change lighting effect waveform. Once you have created a lighting effect in a sector by editing its properties, you may cycle through the available waveforms by pressing W.
F2 = Toggle state of sprite or sector (ON or OFF)
F3 = Show sector OFF position for Z-motion sector
Alt+F3 = Set OFF position for Z-motion sector
F4 = Show sector ON position for Z-motion sector
Alt+F4 = Set ON position for Z-motion sector
F9 = Auto stair builder. Highlight a group of sectors, then point to an adjoining sector floor or ceiling and press F9. The floor or ceiling you point to will be the lowest step. Enter a step height (16 units is standard) and voila.
2,4,6,8 (keypad) = Repeat values. Use to scale textures or sprites. Use in conjunction with Shift for finer adjustments.
Ctrl + 2,4,6,8 (keypad) = Panning values. Adjusts relative position of texture, as well as sprite offset. Use in conjunction with Shift for finer adjustments.
/ = Use this key to reset the panning values for a texture or sprite.
. or > = This function attempts to align matching textures along a wall or series of walls. It adjust textures to the right of the start position until it encounters a different texture.
F = Flip an object. For sprites and walls, this flips the object x-wise. For ceilings and floors, the objects are flipped in 8 possible ways. Just keep pressing 'F' to go through the 8 ways.
ALT+F = When you use relative alignment mode on ceiling and floor textures, you can press ALT+F on the ceiling or floor to choose a new wall to align to. It actually rotates the walls of a sector by 1.
O = Wall orientation (whether it starts from the top or bottom) Normally, walls are oriented from the top. For example, if you hold down 2/8 on the keypad in 3D EDIT MODE, the wall always starts from the top. Orientation works differently for white lines and red lines, so if a wall doesn't look right, just press 'O' to see if it gets fixed.
TAB = COPY. Copy the attributes of the highlighted objects. The attributes it remembers are: tile, shade, x-repeat, y-repeat, and properties.
ENTER = PASTE. Paste the stored attributes over the highlighted object. Whenever you press ENTER, the y-repeat values stay the same, and the x-repeat values are adjusted so the pixels of the bitmaps have a square-aspect ratio.
Ctrl+ENTER = Paste the attributes to every wall in a sector.
Shft+ENTER = * Paste shade and palette
Ctrl+Shft+ENTER = * Paste tile, shade, and palette to all walls in loop
Alt+ENTER = Paste properties (i.e. sector type, lighting effects, etc.)
Ctrl+Alt+ - or + Decrease/Increase sector visibility
Ctrl+ - or + Decrease/Increase light effect amplitude
Shift+ - | + Decrease/Increase light effect phase
[ or ] Change floor or ceiling slope
Alt+] Align floor or ceiling slope to adjacent floor or ceiling elevation. You may have to Alt+F the sloped sector to get the slope angle right.
\ Reset slope to 0
P = Make ceiling or floor parallax. Best used in conjunction with sky textures (i.e. 2500, 3678, and 3491).
E = Expand or unexpand a floor or ceiling texture. Note that the term 'expand' is counter-intuitive--expanding a texture actually condenses it. Don't ask.
R = Relative alignment - switch between relative alignment mode and normal mode. Allows floor / ceiling textures to align to the first 2 points of a sector. Relative textures will rotate/pan with moving sectors properly.
B = Make an invisible wall, such as a window, block you from going through. Since the wall is invisible, you can also highlight the ceiling right above the window or floor right below the window. You can block either the front or the back of the window. If you block the back only, you will be able to go onto the window sill.
T = Cycles through degrees of translucency.
M = Creates an illusionary wall that can be viewed from both sides (such as a window). You can make a masked wall blocking or hitscan (i.e. blocks vectors).
1 = Make a 1-way wall and 1-way flat sprites.
2 = Some walls have two different sections. One step on the ceiling and one step on the floor. Normally they always have the same attributes. It is possible though, to give both the top and bottom different attributes by pressing 2 on that wall. 2 simply makes the bottom wall's attributes separately editable. Press 2 on either the top or bottom wall.
O = Wall orientation (whether it starts from the top or bottom or, in the case of red walls, the inside or outside). Experiment.
H = Toggle hitscan. Setting hitscan will make a masked or 1-sided wall block vectors (i.e. shotgun blasts and bullets).
'Face' sprites always face the player.
'Flat' (or 'wall') sprites are fixed in orientation.
Examples include signs, paintings, etc.
'Floor' sprites lie flat, usually on a floor or
B = When the mouse cursor is on a sprite, this makes a sprite block you from walking through. Sprites with the 'B' attribute will appear pink in 2D EDIT MODE
H = Toggles hitscan on a sprite.
T = Press to make a sprite 50/50 transluscent. Press T again to put sprite back to normal mode.
1 = Toggle between 1 and 2-sided for flat and floor sprites.
ESC = Show a menu that says, "(N)ew, (L)oad, (S)ave, (Q)uit" Press ESC again to cancel the menu.
* Face sprites are cyan circles with a line extending from the center to indicate their angle. (ref. '<' and '>')
* Thick sprites have the blocking attribute set. (ref. 'B')
* Purple sprites have the hitscan attribute set. (ref. Ctrl+H)
* Sprites with three or four lines extending from the circle are wall sprites. The shorter lines indicate which sides are visible. (ref. 'R' and '1' in 3D mode keys.)
* Sprites with square centers are floor sprites, and can be manipulated with all the keys referred to above.
Mouse = Move mouse cursor
Left mouse button = If you hold down the left mouse button, you can drag existing points. To drag multiple points you can use the right shift key to first select a rectangular region of points to highlight, then just drag any of the highlighted points and the rest move with it.
Right mouse button = Moves the player's positions to the mouse cursor. This is useful when you accidently get stuck somewhere in the board, or when you need to edit some part of a sector that is hard to access.
Right Shift = Select a bunch of points for use with dragging around. Selects all points inside a box. (Use the left mouse button to drag)
Ctrl+Right Shift = Select a bunch of points for use with dragging around. Selects all points on a loop. (Use the left mouse button to drag)
Right Alt = Select a bunch of sectors for either duplication or dragging around. (see left mouse button for dragging and the insert key for duplication).
Arrows = Move player position in the appropriate directions. The player will be clipped. To jump to a different part of the board, use the right mouse button.
Space = Press the space bar when drawing new sectors. There are several ways of drawing new sectors. The following three ways of drawing sectors can all be done by only using the space bar. The computer is smart enough to decide which method you are using.
Insert = Inserts a new point at the midpoint of the highlighted line. Then you can drag the point to wherever you like. (If you insert on a red line, the point will be inserted on both sides of the sector line.) If a bunch of sectors are selected (see right ALT) then instead of inserted points, the selected sector bunch will be duplicated (stamped). Don't forget to drag the selected sectors after stamping.
Delete = Use this to delete sprites (blue circles). To delete points of a sector border, don't press delete. Instead, drag the point into one of its 2 neighbor points on the sector. This is easist done if grid locking is on (mouse cursor is pink). If 2 neighbor points are equal, Right- Ctrl-Delete = This deletes the whole sector that the mouse cursor is in. Note the right ctrl for protection.
(Note: to delete a point of a sector, just drag that point into the next point and it will automatically be deleted. You should do this with grid-locking on)
J = Use to join two neighboring sectors. Press J when mouse cursor is over the first sector. Then press J again when the mouse cursor is over the neighboring sector. The attributes of the combined sector will be taken from the first sector selected.
ALT+S = When you have a white loop inside a sector, you can press ALT+S on it (highlight any of its lines) to turn the whole loop red.
S = Places a sprite at the location under the mouse cursor. A sprite looks like a blue circle in the overhead map.
B = Blocks / unblocks you from going through a wall or sprites. A blocked wall or sprite will appear pink in 2D EDIT MODE. See the description for 'B' in the 3D EDIT MODE section for more details. C = Turn a line into a circle defined by short line segments. First press 'C' on a highlighted wall. Then move the mouse to the right place and press '+' or '-' if you want to change the number of points on the circle. Press 'C' again to cancel the circle drawing or press the Space bar to actually change the map.
+/- = Increase / Decrease the number of points on the circle.
T , H , ALT+T , ALT+H = Type in a LO-tag for a sector. [ Level designers should not edit these fields directly as they are used internally by Monolith's XSYSTEM.)
Ctrl+H = Toggle the hitscan sensitivity of a sprite or masked wall. Objects which are hitscan sensitive can be hit be vector weapons.
I = Toggle invisibility for sprites. Invisible sprites which are non-blocking and non-hitscan sensitive show up as dark gray.
E = Change a sprite's status list number. <
and > = Rotate a Sprite: Rotation has a precision of 2048 degrees,
and sprites can have an angle value range of 0 to 2047. Pressing the shift
key allows a finer degree of rotation.
Rotate a Sector: Sectors highlighted with RightAlt can
also be rotated using these keys.
[ and ] = Rotate a sprite without wrapping. Generally used for marker sprite rotation, allowing marked sprites to rotate several times throughout a busy cycle.
CTRL+T = Toggle the text captions for sectors, walls and sprites.
TAB = Move the mouse cursor to the inside of a sector that you you want to see the attributes of. It will show them at the bottom of the status bar. To clear it, press TAB again at somewhere in the board that is not part of any sector. This is a useful key for debugging.
ALT+TAB = Works just like TAB, but here, you can see the attributes of highlighted walls or sprites. For red lines, the side the mouse cursor is on the line affects which line is highlighted, since red lines are actually defined as 2 walls (1 wall for each sector).
Scroll Lock = Set starting position (brown arrow) to your current position (white arrow).
A,Z = Zoom in and out. This is useful for choosing whether you want to edit finely or not.
G = Change grid resolution. The grid resolution cycles through this sequence:
L = Turns grid locking on or off. If the mouse cursor is pink then grid locking is on. If it is white then grid locking is off. There is no grid locking if the grid is turned off. Also, grid locking will lock to nearby points.
M = Toggle the mask status of a wall
S = Places a sprite at the location under the mouse cursor. Refer to the SPRITES section (above) for more information.
Alt+S = Convert internal white sector (single-sided linedef) to a red sector (double-sided lines). (NOTE: Outer loop cannot be converted!)
F5 = Display sector specific data
F6 = Display sprite/wall specific data
Alt+F5 = Edit sector specific data in the editing dialog.
Alt+F6 = Edit sprite/wall specific data in the editing dialog.