New subjects and update on subjects are marked with *
The subject marked with ** was provided to me by:
Marcus Malden
1 The main stuff
  1.0 About this FAQ
  1.1 But...I got Duke Nukem 3d...so i can make maps? Kind of!?!
  1.2 About the author of this FAQ
  1.3 How to contact the author
  1.4 Where to get this FAQ
  1.5 Updates on this FAQ
  1.6 Important things
2 Starting with the editor
  2.0 What do i need to have
  2.1 Making a simple room
  2.2 Joining sectors
  2.3 Deleting sectors
  2.4 Moving a ceiling or floor up or down
  2.5 What you should NEVER do
  2.6 Panning
  2.7 Skys *
  2.8 Shading
  2.9 Slopes
  2.10 copy textures
  2.11 Coop, bloodbath and single player start positions
  2.12 flipping a object *
  2.13 how to place a enemy, weapon or ammo
  2.14 enimie's that only appear at certain difficutly levels *
  2.15 Sprites *
  2.16 RX ID value *
  2.17 TX ID value *
3 On to the good stuff
  3.1.1 Making a vertical door/doom-like door *
  3.1.2 Locking a door with a key
  3.1.3 Locking a door with a swich
  3.1.4 What are DATA1 to DATA4 in doors for
  3.2 Sliding doors
  3.3 Splitting doors
  3.4 Swinging doors **
  3.5 Making water
  3.6 Making a teleport
  3.7 Moving sectors
  3.8 Rooms over rooms
  3.9 Glass
  3.10 Moving floors
  3.11 Level ending
  3.12 phone
  3.13 Elevator transports
  3.14 Color lights
  3.15 Light switches
  3.16 Blowing up walls
  3.17 Secret Areas *
  3.18 Dropping down holes/room over room effect *
  3.19 How to make translucent water *
  3.20 Earthquakes *
  3.21 Mirrors *
  3.22 Machine guns in the walls *
  3.23 Fire shooters in the walls *
4. Thank you and misc.
  4.1 Thanks to *  
1.0 About this FAQ
    Why did I decide to make this Map FAQ. That's simple. I got a request
    from Gameleader to make this FAQ because loads of people would like
    to make maps but don't have a clue how to. In this first FAQ I just
    give you the basic stuff. If you need help on a thing that is not in
    this FAQ than feel free to mail me
1.1 But...I got Duke Nukem 3d...so i can make maps? Kind of!?!
    So, you got duke. So do I. But a lot of important things have changed in
    this version of the build editor. Just a example. All the sector
    effectors are removed as well as the music and FX sprites. The basic
    is still about the same but the advanced stuff is a lot harder.
    1.2 About the author of the FAQ
    Who am I. I am Arjan van Rossen A.K.A. avr. I made a few really good
    maps for duke nukem 3d and now i am starting on blood. For the record,
    I am 19 years of age and I Live in Leiden in the Netherlands.
    (which is in Europe for all you who don't know that). That's why
    there might be spelling faults in this FAQ.
    You can download some of my duke nukem 3d maps and or blood maps at my
    homepage which is at: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arcade/2290
1.3 How to contact the author
    You can contact me by e-mail. Just mail to this address:
    v.rossen@tip.nl (please include the subject "mapfaq" without the ""'s)
1.4 Where to get this FAQ
    Well, hopefully everywhere, but for now it is on my page and on
    http://www.gameleader.com (as long as they don't remove it).
1.5 Updates on this FAQ
    If there are any updates you can get it on my page. Updates will ONLY be
    made if people like you are asking things. I'll include those in a update.
1.6 Important keys
    The 2 most important keys are ALT and F5 and ALT and F6.
    With ALT F5 you can change almost everything that has to do with rooms
    like water etc. ALT F6 changes the sprites.
1.7 What are sprites?
    Spites are objects, you can change them into anything, from a chair to
    a soundeffect. If you normaly want to change a sprite to a object, you
    need to point at the sprite in 3d mode and press the V key, you will now
    see a list with all the things you used so far, if you press V again, you
    will get all availeble art in the game. Because the list is so long, you
    can also use the G key to go to a the one you are looking for, if you know
    the number that is. (ie. sky is number 2500)
2. Starting with the editor
2.0 What do i need to have
    So, you got blood. One the ORIGINAL cd there is a editor included
    under the name Mapedit.exe, this is the official editor used for
    the original game. Copy all the files for the editor into your blood
2.1 Making a simple room
    The editor has a 2d and a 3d working area. You will start of on the grid
    in the 2d editor. First thing that you need to do is move the cursor
    around. Use the Z key to zoom out of the grid and the A key to zoom in.
    With the L key you can toggle between grid locking on or off. With the
    G key you can choice the size of the grid.
    Now, press the spacebar, by pressing on a spot it will put a
    line from one point to the other. (press the right mouse button to
    move the arrow around. This is where you are in 3d mode
    Now make a square. Make sure you connect the last point to the first.
    Use the Backspace key if you want to remove a point now go put the
    mouse in the square you just made. and press the enter on the right
    side of your keyboard. So the small enter key right bottom corner.
    Well at least that's where it is on my keyboard. This toggles between
    2d and 3d mode. Now you are in the room that you just made.
    Use the insert key to insert point in the lines
    Wow, you just made your first room.
2.2 Joining sectors
    If you draw another sector to the existing one, you will
    notice that there is a red line in between but you don't see it in
    3d mode. To remove this line and thereby join the sectors, keep
    your cursor on the first sector and press J now put it on the second
    one and press J again. And that's it. Easy isn't it?!?
2.3 Deleting sectors
    To make this part short, press CTRL and Delete to remove a sector.
2.4 Moving a ceiling or floor up or down
    Go into 3d mode. Point the cursor at the floor you wish to move up or
    down and press page Up to move it up and page down to move it down.
2.5 What you should NEVER do
    This is VERY important, NEVER try do delete a sector by moving to corners
    to 1 point, this will cause the editor the crash when you go back to 3d
    mode or sometimes immidiately in 2d mode
2.6 Panning
    To align the textures, press CTRL and the numlock side numbers 2,4,6 and 8
    to move the textures, use this SHIFT and 2,4,6 and 8 to make the textures
    smaller. Just using 2,4,6 and 8 will make the a lot smaller or bigger.
2.7 Skys
    If you put a sky texture (i.e. texture 2500) on a ceiling it looks
    all wrong this is easy to fix, just point at the texture and press P
    This is Parallaxing...very cool, looks like it goes on forever!!
    Important, unlike in duke...A sky in blood can only be one texture, if
    you change the sky texture somewhere in the map, all the other sky
    textures will change with it.
2.8 Shading
    Shading is very important for a map. To make a room darker, just press
    the - key. Use the + key to make it lighter again. Simple as that
2.9 Slopes
    Creating a slope is easy, in 3d mode press the [ and ] key to slope a
    floor or ceiling. If you hold down the SHIFT key while you slope, you
    will be able to make small sloping adjustments. With the CTRL key the
    slope movements will be somewhere beteen [] and SHIFT and []. To put
    a slope back to the original, so without any sloping in it, press \ key.
    To determen how in what direction to slope, aim at the side that needs
    to stay on the floor and press ATL and F
2.10 Copy textures
    To copy a texture on other walls just press Tab key in 3d mode while you
    point at the texture that you like to copy, press the main enter key
    to paste the texture on another wall
2.11 Coop, bloodbath and single player start positions
    This is actually very easy, this is one of the things that is easyer
    to do in Blood than in Duke Nukem 3d.
    Here's how: First place a sprite (s key), go in 2d mode if you are in 3d
    and aim at the sprite, press CTRL and F6 and change the type to:
    single player start (1) or bloodbath start (2).
    Now you have 1 start position. For coop, just put in enough single player
    starts for all the players, don't change the first start point, but with
    the 2nd you will need to change DATA1 to 1, at the 3rd change DATA1 to 2,
    and so on. Change DATA1 by pressing CTRL and F6 again and changing it.
    Press ENTER to confirm the changes. For bloodbath starts, do the same
    with the bloodbath starting points.
2.12 flipping a object
    You can flip a object or wall texture by pressing the F key, or you can
    also change it with the R key. F flips a sprite on X/Y axis, R makes it
    flat wall/floor sprites.
2.13 how to place a enimie, weapon or ammo
    This part has a big improvement over duke nukem 3d, just point at a spot
    in 3d mode and press ALT and S. Now you will get a little menu which
    enables you to pick out a weapon or a enemy.
2.14 enemy's that only appear at certain difficutly levels
    To determen at what difficutly level a enemy will apear, use the launch
    row. the number 1 to 5 is the difficulty level, if you only tick number 5
    the enimie or item will only apear at difficulty level 5. By pressing
    3, 4 and 5 it will apear at difficulty level 3, 4 and 5.
    S is for single player levels, B is for bloodbath levels and c is for
    cooplevels. T for Team-play
2.15 Sprites
    Sprites are used a lot in these kind of 3d games. You can change them
    into anything, from a sound effect to a object.
    Here are some of the basic button presses for sprites:
    S             = Put in a sprite, you can do this in 2d and 3d mode.
    V             = Change the sprite to the object that you can select
                    from a list. You can only do this in 3d mode
    V and V again = All availeble textures in the game
    Delete        = to delete a sprite works in 2d and 3d mode
    B             = Makes a sprite block you from walking trough it
                    Works in 2d and 3d mode. (in 2d mode the sprite turns
                    into a purple colour.
2.16 RX ID value
    This is used for almost everything in my section 3. Although i gave you
    numbers to put in as RX ID value, but the actual fact is that you can
    put in any number you like. The only thing you need to remember is that
    you can't use the same number twice in 1 map for more than 1 thing.
    Example: You can't give your Earthquake the same RX ID value in the same
    map as your swinging door.
    Also, you need to use sector numbers which are higher than 100.
    The best way to get a unused number is by pressing ALT and F5 on a sector,
    then go the the RX ID value and press F10, this will change it to the next
    unused number.
2.17 TX ID value
    The TX ID value is used to tell the computer what sector will trigger what
    effect. For example. If you give a sector a RX ID value of 100 and another
    sector the value of 101, and you want sector 2 (value 101) to trigger
    the effect, then you need to give the effect the TX ID value of 101.
    With effect i mean stuff like earthquakes, moving sectors and all the
    advanced stuff
3. On to the good stuff
3.1.1 Making a vertical door/doom-like door
     First in 2d mode
     This is the first door you need to learn. It's a simple door that
     goes up and down.
     First make 3 sectors. 
     Point at the door sector, and press ALT + F5. Now you need to
     insert the folowing stuff.
     TYPE               = 600 (Z-MOTION)
     RX ID              = Make up your own number, see 2.16 for details
     ON -> OFF BUSYTIME = 30 (make lower to make the door open quicker)
     ON -> OFF WAVE     = 1 (LINEAR)
     OFF -> ON BUSYTIME = 30 
     OFF -> ON WAVE     = 1 (LINEAR)
     WAITTIME           = 30 
     TRIGER ON WALLPUSH NEEDS TO BE CHECKED (So the door will open when you
     push the spacebar)
   Now in 3d mode put the door in the open position, point at the door and
   press ALT and F4, this will be the position when the door is open.
   Now close the door by pointing and pressing page down. Point at the
   closed door and press ALT and F3, this will be the closed position.
   To stop the side of the door (the wall) from moving with the door,
   point at it and press the O key. Give the door a nice texture and
   you are done!
   To include sound in your door, put a sprite in the door, go in 2d mode
   and change it to number 709. Now change the DATA1 to 106, DATA2 to 157
   DATA3 to 106 and DATA4 to 157. You can change these data numbers as you
   want them to, test a bit with them. Note: to change a sprite, aim at it
   in 2d mode and press ALT and F6. In this case change Type to number 709.
   Data numbers are for audio numbers, you can hear a preview of the sound
   by pressing F10.
   A example map is included, just take a quick look at door.map
3.1.2 Locking a door with a key
    To lock a door so i can only open with a key, put the cursor on the door
    in 2d mode and Press ALT and F5, now go to key and these numbers are for
    the folowing keys
    1 for skull key
    2 for eye key
    3 for fire key
    4 for dagger key
    5 for spider key
    and 6 for moon key
    To put in a key in the game, place a sprite somewhere and press Alt and F6
    change type to:
    100 for skull key
    101 for eye key
3.1.3 Locking a door with a swich
    First make a door, now insert put a swich on a wall somewhere and press
    ALT and F6 while you aim at the swich in 2d mode and change:
    Type: 20
    TX ID: This number has to be the same as the RX ID value from the door.
    CMD: 8
    Tick the box:
        Sent when going on
    Sent when going off
    Tick the box: Push
    To let the swich make a sound change:
    data1: 203
    data2: 203
    Don't forget, aim at the door in 2d mode and press ALT and F5, give the
    door a RX ID value the same as the TX ID value from the swich
    Also, press ALT F5 while aiming at the door in 2d mode and tick the box:
    Trigger flags:
3.1.4 What are DATA1 to DATA4 in doors for
    I'll try to explane DATA1 to DATA4.
    It's actualy very easy to understand with door, DATA1 is the sound which
    the door makes when it starts to open. DATA2 is at the end of the door
    opening, should be a sound as if he stops opening.
    DATA3 is for when the door starts to close. DATA4 is at the end of the
    closing proces.
3.2 Sliding doors
    enclosed: SLDOOR1.PCX (SCREENSHOT 1)
              SLDOOR2.PCX (SCREENSHOT 2)
    Sliding doors are one of the things that are very hard to explain.
    But I will try, first take a look at the 2 screenshot, first draw
    number 1 and then put the 2 points together so that you get a result
    as in screenshot 2.
    Press ALT and F5 in the main door area and change the folowing:
    Type = 614
    RX ID = 118
    Busytime = 20
    Tick waittime and change it to 30
    Busytime = 20
    Now you need to point the new line that appears with the point to the
    door and the other end to the point where you want to door to stop closing.
    Make sure the small circle on the above the arrow is about half in the
    Now point at the 3 lines (The 2 that go up and the one that is low and
    connects those 2 lines.
    Change the 3 lines by pressing ALT and F6 and change it to:
    TX ID: 118
    cmd: 3
    Sent when:
    Tick going on
    Tick going off
    Tick push
    Now ain at those lines and on every on press the K button to make them
    a blue colour.
    To insert a sound, put i a sprite at the big door space and press
    ALT and F6, change it to:
    Type = 709
    Data1 = 106
    Data2 = 157
    Data3 = 106
    Data4 = 157
    When you don't understand it, write the question to: v.rossen@tip.nl                     
3.3 Splitting doors
    Splitting doors are made in the same way as up doors like in 3.1
    Just make a door as in 3.1 and instead of pressing ALT and F3 while
    the door is on the floor, just let the door meet in the middle or where
    ever you want it to be closed. Also don't forget to change the open
    position by pressing ALT and F4 on the point where you want the door
    to be when it is open.
3.4 Swinging doors
    To make a swinging door, make a sector in a sector
    (ALT-S) in 2D Mode. Make the walls of the door
    blockable (B), or the player may have a jump effect.
    Go to the 3D Mode now and raise its floor to the
    height of the door. Add some textures. Go back to
    2D mode and move the verticles of the door sector
    to the wall where the door should be. Do not add
    verticals to the wall, only drag the door's
    verticles around. Press ALT-F5 and give the door
    sector the characteristics:
    Type = 617
    State = OFF
    Busytime = 10
    ON -> OFF
    Busytime = 10
    (time the door takes to go from one state
    to the other)
    Trigger: Wallpush
    A sprite will appear (#5 Axis Marker). If you
    already have a swinging door in the same sector,
    the sprite will appear exactly where the old
    one is. It seemed to me that there is an error in
    Mapedit in the way that the sprite with the higher
    number now refers to the old door and the sprite
    with the lower number is for the new one, but test
    this out.
    This is the turning point of the door.
    The direction the door is turning can be set with
    the Axis sprite, as well as the turning radius.
    Think of the '3' on an analog clock as the base for
    all further orientations. If you orientate the
    sprite that it looks upwards from a line between
    9h and 3h, the door will turn counter-clockwise.
    If it points downwards from that line, it rotates
    clockwise. If you make the Axis sprite look exactly
    up (12h) or down (6h), the radius will be 90 degrees.
    If you point it to 5h, the door will turn clockwise
    by about 60 degrees; if it points to 10h, it rotares
    counter-clockwise by about 240 degrees. So - always
    have an analog clock in sight when building swinging
    Pointing the Axis Sprite to 9h and to 3h seems to do
    simply nothing. The Axis Sprite does not need to be
    edited, all can be done from the door sector. The
    STATE of the door sector means if the door should
    start as drawn on the map (OFF) or in the other
    position (ON). So you can have closed doors at
    startup by either drawing them in closed position
    and set the Statebit to OFF or drawing them opened
    and turning it ON.
3.5 Making water
    Making water is one of the easy things to do once you know how.
    First make 2 sectors of equal size. 1 Will be the underwater side, the
    other the upperwater side.
    now go in 2d mode and press the S key on both of the sectors on the
    SAME spot. This way you insert a sprite. Point at the underwater sprite
    and press ALT and F6 and change the first option to lowerwater (= 10)
    and change data1 to a unique number, like 23 or 1 or 98 or something.
    As long as you don't use it twice for different things.
    Now point at the underwater sector and press ALT and F5, change Wave
    to 2 (slowoff) and tick the underwater box.
    On to the upperwater part, point at the sprite and press ALT and F6.
    Change the first option to upperwater (= 9) and change data1 to the same
    number as you used for the underwater part. Make sure the lowermatter
    sprite is on the top of the sector by pressing CTRL and Page up while in
    3d mode and pointing at the sprite. Put the upperwater sprite at the
    bottom with CTRL and Page down.
    Please note: At the time of writing there are a lot of errors in the game.
    You need to make the sectors not to small or you will get a floating
    effect in the game, so to be sure make it big and test it a lot.
    The usual water texture is #2915
3.6 Making a teleport
    Making a teleport is again, not very difficult, you just need to know how
    Make to equal size sectors. Press ALT and F5 and enter the folowing
    things in one of the 2 sectors:
    Type = 604
    click the box: sent at on
    click the box: sent at off
    busy time = 1 (only at sent at off)
    trigger on: Enter
    Now on the other sector you need to enter these things:
    Type = 604
    state: 1 on
    Trigger on: Enter
    When you have done this, and you try to enter the teleport you will be
    killed so what you need to do is to determen where you are teleported to.
    This is easy, after putting in the information above, a small circle thing
    comes in the sector which you can drag around by pressing and holding
    the left mousebutton. Drag it to the other sector, do the same with the
    circle in the second sector and drag it to the first.
    And that's all there's to it.
3.7 Moving sectors
    Moving sectors are like the boat in E2M1, They go from one part in the
    level to another in a rater slow speed.
    Unlike the subway in duke, these sectors not can go around in circles.
    How to make one.
    Make a sector that will move in another room.
    In 2d mode put your cursor in the sector and press CTRL and F5, now enter
    Type = 616
    RX ID: 115
    State = 1
    ON -> OFF Busytime = 255
    OFF -> ON Busytime = 255
    Now a circle will apear in the sector, put the mouse cursor on it, while
    holding the left mouse button, drag the object to the point where you
    want the sector to move to, you will now have a line indicating the
    way the sector will be moving.
    And that's it. If you want to sector to start moving as soon as you step
    on it, click the box: Trigger on: Enter. If you want the sector to start
    moving when you get off the sector, click the box: Trigger on: Exit
    The moving sector is also used for the airplanes that fly over in E2M2.
3.8 Rooms over rooms
    To make a room above another room, first make a room, make a something
    that goes up like stairs. At the end draw another room. Now when you
    make one hole you can let the rooms look at each other by making a
    square in both sectors and put in the upper room a upperstack
    sprite = number 11, and a lowerstack = number 12 sprite in the lower
    area. Now there should be a hole in both the rooms where you can look
    at the other room. Make sure the upperstack sprite is on the ground
    and the lowerstack sprite is against the roof. For a example, look at
    my map mansion, in that map, you can view outside into the same area as
    you can from the ground.
3.9 Glass
    To make glass, you will need to press the M button on a red line
    change it to texture 266.
    Then press the T key twice to make it nicer. Press B, then CTRL H, while
    you aim at the glass in 2d mode
    Now, to make it break when you shoot at it, press ALT and F6 and change
    the folowing stuff:
    Type = 511: Gib Wall
    Tick the box: Trigger at Vector
    and change data to: 11
    And that's it.
    The example map for the subject is glass.map
3.10 Moving floors
    Moving floors like with the train in episode 1 where you appear to be
    moving while you actually stay at the same spot. This is not as hard
    as it seems.
    First make a sector that will move, Press ALT and F5 while you point at
    floor. Now go to FX... and press enter. In this menu, change motion FX:
    Speed = 255 (this is the speed it goes in the train level. You can always
    make it slower or faster, just change the number.)
    angle = 512 (this is the angle the floor will be scrolling, 512 is down,
    like in the train level)
    Tick these 3 boxes:
    Pan floor (this is so that the floor will move)
    Pan always
    Windvel: needs to be the same number as speed.
    Windang: needs to be the same as angle.
    Damage type: 3
3.11 Level ending
    How to make a level end? Just folow these simple things.
    First, the sprite number you need to put in is number 318.
    Now, point at the sprite in 2d mode and press CTRL and F6, now change:
    Type = 20: toggle swich
    TX ID: 4
    cmd: 1:on
    Tick Sent when going on
    Tick Push
    and Tick Dukelockout
    Change data1 to 200
    Change data2 to 200
    Now press enter to confirm
    That's all
3.12 Phone
    How to make a phone ring when you press the spacebar.
    Make your phone, now aim at the red line in 3d mode, which is in the
    front of the phone and press ALT and F6. Change:
    TX ID: 181
    cmd: 3:toggle
    sent when:
    Tick the box going on
    Tick the box going off
    Tick the box Triger on Push
    Now place a sprite in the sector of the phone and press ALT and F6 while
    aiming for the sprite, now change:
    Type: 708
    RX ID: 181
    Data2: 367
    That's it
3.13 Elevator transports
    First make a sector, just a room, now attach a room to that room. This
    new room will be you elevator.
    Now, when you aim at the floor and/or ceiling, and press page down or
    page up you will see the floor go up or down.
    Use this to put the lift in the position where it should end.
    So go down or up with the floor or the ceiling until you think it is a
    good position for a stop. Now, draw another sector which is also attacht
    to the lift and this is going to be another room.
    Now you have 3 sectors, 2 rooms and a lift sector.
    Now aim at the elevator in 3d mode and
    press ALT and F4, this is to point out the stop point. Now put the
    elevator back where you started and make it look like how it is going to
    start. Press ALT and F3 while you point at the elevator in 3d mode.
    Now, go into 2d mode and aim at the elevator sector. Press ALT and F5 and
    Type: 600
    Tick the box Interrubtable
    off -> on
    Busytime = 15
    wave: 1
    on -> off
    busytime = 15
    wave: 1
    Tick the box Push
    and Tick the box Wallpush
    Now if you want to elevator to make sound, place a sprite in 2d mode
    (s key) and press ALT and F6 while you aim at the sprite. Change:
    Type: 709
    data1: 105
    data2: 153
    data3: 105
    data4: 153
    Now give the whole thing a cool texture and your done.
3.14 color lights
    To make lights in different colors, aim at the sector, press ALT and F5
    and goto FX...
    now Tick the box:
    More lighting: Color lights
    and change Ciel pal2 for the ceiling, floor pal2 for the floor to:
    1 = very bright color white
    2 = green
    3 = blue
    4 = white
    5, 6 and 7 = 3 different colors red
    8 and 9 = 2 different colors yellow
3.15 Light switches
    Making a light switch is a lot of work for such a small object.
    First make a room that will light up when the switch is used. Make it
    darker as how it should be when the switch is off.
    Now place 3 sprites, 1 on the wall which will be our switch and 2 against
    the ceiling. aim at the 2 on the ceiling and press the R key twice to
    make them flat. now aim and press CTRL and pageup to put them on the
    ceiling and change them into a light graphic. Now first we will do the
    light switch, give it the correct graphic (= 1078) and press ALT and F6
    in 2d mode while you aim at it. Change:
    Type: 20
    TX ID: change this to a unique number (which has not been used in this
    map, use F10 to give it the next unused ID number
    cmd: 3
    Sent when: going on  (tick this box)
               going off (tick this box)
    Triger on: Push (tick this box)
    Data1: 207 (for the sound)
    Data2: 207 (for the sound)
    Aim at the sector where everything is in and press ALT and F5, now change
    RX ID: Make it the same as TX ID from the light swich
    off -> on
    busytime: 2
    wave:      is only used when you want the light to go on and off as if
               the light is broken. (best used wave 9)
    amplitude: how higher the - number the lighter the room will get, to make
               a lightswitch start on, so the room is light, and you want the
               room to become dark then make it a + number
   freq:       the amount of flashes before it goes out (by a broken light)
   always tick these 3 boxes: floor, ceiling and walls
   Now aim at 1 of the sprites and press ALT and F6, now change it to:
   type: 416
   RX ID: 130
   TX ID: 132
   cmd: 3
   Tick the boxes:
   Sent when going on
   Sent when going off
   Data1: 7
   Data2: 13
   Data4: 300
   Now aim at the other sprite and press ALT and F6 again, now change:
   Type: 21
   RX ID: 132
   TX ID: 130
   cmd: 3
   Tick the boxes:
   Sent when going on
   Sent when going off
   1 shot
   And that's all.
   If this is all to hard for you then take a look at light.map
3.16 Blowing up walls
    Blowing up walls is used a lot in the game. Sometimes a whole side of the
    building gets blown to pieces.
    Here is how to do it in your map.
    First make a sector and determen what wall you want to blow up...or make
    a hole if you want to blow a hole in the wall.
    Now in 2d mode aim at the sector which will blow up. Press ALT and F5 and
    Type: 600
    RX ID = This number needs to be different for everything in your map.
    Just make up a number.
    Tick the boxes
    Trigger flags: 1 shot
    change: OFF -> ON busytime = 1
            OFF -> ON wave = 1 (linear)
    change: ON -> OFF busytime = 1
            ON -> OFF wave = 1 (linear)
    Go into 3d mode and press at the hole and press ALT and F4.
    Now close the hole or wall and aim again and press ALT and F3.
    This will set how the hole will look before and after the blow.
    Now, place 2 sprites on with the hole, 1 inside and 1 in front of the
    wall against the wall.
    Change the sprite in front of the wall by holing the cursor on it in 2d
    mode and Press ALT and F6. Now change:
    Type: 408
    TX ID: Needs to be the same number as RX ID of the hole.
    cmd: 1
    Tick the box: Sent when going on
                  Sent when going off
    Now change the sprite into a crack by pressing V twice and 3d mode while
    you aim at the sprite, now search the correct picture and press enter
    Aim at the other sprite and press ALT and F6 again. Now change:
    Type: 416
    TX ID: Needs to be the same as the RX ID of the hole.
    cmd: 1
    Tick the box: Sent when going on
                  Sent when going off
    Tick the box: Trigger on vector
    Tick the box: Trigger flags: 1 shot
    Now to add some extra explosions to it:
    Add a couple of sprites.
    Change them to:
    Type: 459
    RX ID: The same number as the hole
    waittime: Set how long to wait before they explode, set them at diffrent
    numbers for a cool eplosion. Or surprise the player by delaying one?!?
    Examle is crack.map
3.17 Secret Areas
    To create a secret areas, change to folowing by aiming at the sector
    in 2d mode and press ALT and F5. Now change:
    Tick the folowing boxes:
    Trigger on: Enter
    off -> on: Send at on
    Dudelockout (so the monsters can't trigger the secret area)
    1-shot (so you can only trigger it once)
    Cmd: 64
    TX ID: 2
    Or take a look at secret.map
3.18 Dropping down holes/room over room effect
    It is possible to make rooms look above each other while the actualy are
    somewhere else on the grid.
    First make 2 rooms, make a hole in both of them, 1 in the ceiling and in
    the other room, the hole has to be the same size and in the floor.
    Now, put texture #504 in both the holes.
    Put in a sprite in the first hole on the floor and change it to:
    #11 (upperstack). Aim at the sprite in 2d mode and change:
    DATA1 to a unique number, which is not yet used in the map.
    Now aim at the sprite in 3d mode and make sure it is on the floor.
    Go to the hole in the ceiling and press S again in 2d mode to put in a
    sprite, change this sprite to #12 (lowerstack). Aim at the sprite in
    2d mode, press ALT and F6 and change it to that number, also change
    DATA1 to the same number as the upperstack. Also, make sure the sprite
    is against the ceiling.
    Now, when you look at it in the game, you look from one room into the
    other. Very cool effect.
3.19 How to make translucent water
    This is water where you can look and see what's underwater.
    Very simular to rooms over rooms.
    First make the rooms over rooms part, now don't use upperstack and
    lowerstack, but use upperwater and lowerwater.
    Then put a sprite in the middle and press R twice to make it flat and
    change it to the water sprite.
    Now aim at it and press B so it won't block you from going trough.
    Next aim at the sprite and press T twice so you can see trough it.
    Do this with the upper and the underwater section.
    Now the only thing you need to to is adjust the size of the sprite
    by using the 2, 4, 6 and 8 key on the Right side of the keyboard.
    You can take a look at trwater.map if you need a example
    And that all theres to it.
3.20 Earthquakes
    Earthquakes are easy to make and give a nice effect if you use some
    hidden explosions.
    Here is how to make a earthquake:
    First make a sector that is going to change in the earthquake, can be
    more than 1 sector.
    Aim at the sector in 2d mode and change:
    Type: 600
    RX ID: Give this a unique number, 1 that has not been used in this map.
    OFF -> ON
    Busytime: 4 (you can change this number, the lower the number, the faster
                 the earth will move down or up.)
    wave: 1
    ON -> OFF
    Busytime: 2
    Wave: 1
    Tick the box: 1 shot
    Add a sprite somewhere outside the area that is going to be the
    Change it to:
    Type: 19
    RX ID: Again this has got to be a unique number
    DATA1: 700
    Now, to add some sound to your quake, insert a sprite in the earthquake
    area and change:
    Type: 709
    Data1: 66
    Data2: 265
    if you want some explosions, add sprites on the points where you want the
    explosions and change them to:
    Type: 459
    RX ID: The same number as the earthquake area
    waittime: Set how long to wait before they explode, set them at diffrent
    numbers for a cool eplosion.
3.21 Mirrors
    Mirrors are in fact the most easy thing to make. In duke they where
    a lot of work, so i think you will like the blood mirrors a lot.
    Just make a sector that will be your mirror, can be a part of the wall.
    Or the whole wall, or whatever you want. Now give that part texture #504.
    Use V key and V key again to choose the correct texture. Next time you
    start the game there will be a mirror.
    A tip. You can not let a mirror "see" another mirror, that causes a very
    strange effect, which you do NOT want to happen.
3.22 Machine guns in the walls
    (example map = machgun.map)
    A very cool feature that enables you to put in traps, like machine guns
    suddenly fire at you.
    First make a swich that starts the machine guns.
    Press ALT and F6 while you aim at the swich in 2d mode, then change:
    TYPE: 21
    TX ID VALUE: Same as RX ID value from the machine gun.
    cmd: 1: on
    click the box: Sent when going on
    Waittime = 200
    click the box: Trigger on push
    Now place a sprite somewhere from where you want the machine gun to fire.
    Change the sprite to #2178
    Aim at it in 2d mode and change:
    TYPE: 413
    RX ID value: Same as the TX ID VALUE from the swich
    busytime = 60 (you can change this to whatever you want.)
    waittime = 100 (change it to how you want it. See what effect you like)
    DATA1 = 250 (this is just for the sound)
3.23 fire shooters in the walls
    A very cool feature that enables you to put in traps, like fireballs
    suddenly fire at you.
    First make a swich that starts the shooters
    Press ALT and F6 while you aim at the swich in 2d mode, then change:
    TYPE: 21
    TX ID VALUE: Same as RX ID value from the shooter.
    cmd: 1: on
    click the box: Sent when going on
    Waittime = 200
    click the box: Trigger on push
    now to add the shooters, insert a sprite where you want the shooter.
    Change it to texture #795, and keep pressing - key untill it is completely
    black so it looks like a hole
    now press ALT and F6 in 2d mode and change:
    TYPE: 703
    RX ID value: Same as the TX ID value of the swich.
    Busytime = 60
    waittime = 100

4.1 Thanks to:
    I would like to thank Marcus Malden for all the
    he has put into checking my FAQ and supplying me
    with some great stuff i did not know. You can get a
    hold of him on this e-mail address:
    Thanks to Gameleader for putting up with all my
    questions, all the time.