How to make Player SFX:
Make a sector outside of your map somewhere. It only needs to hold SOUND
and TOGGLE SWITCH sprites so it does not need to be big.
Inside this sector place a toggle switch sprite and edit it in 2D mode
using <ALT>+<F6> keys and change the following data:
RX ID: 7
TX ID: select a number above 100 (the F10 key will assign one for you)
CMD: 1: on
tick boxes;
x going off
x 1- shot
Now place a sound sprite in the same outside sector and edit it
in 2D mode using the <ALT>+<F6> keys. Change the following data:
Type 711: Player SFX
RX ID: SAME as the one selected above
tick boxes;
x going on
x 1- shot
Data1: the # sound you want to play. (see SFX list)
This same basic idea is used for SFX Generators, just place those in the area
of your map that you want the sound to be heard and use a TOGGLE SWITCH
the same way as above. You can change the RX ID: to anything like one used
to work a door or key pick up TX ID: number. then use Data2 to assign the sound
number. no other data needs to be edited for these.
Monolith uses this alot and if you extract their maps from the game it may
be easier to understand after you read this.
Good luck, Nailer