BUILD Game CFG Features and Controller Setup   1-04-2025  Release 28 © RTCM Corvin












The .CFG File stores all your preferences and settings for the game to read from. Some settings can be changed on the fly within the game itself. Most have to be changed in SETUP.EXE prior to launching the game. Sometimes SETUP.EXE and the Game.exe lack some menu options that can be changed in the .CFG file manually with notepad that the game still supports.

For Duke3D users, make sure you also read the DN3DHELP.EXE file that's installed with Duke Nukem 3D, it contains configuration technical information in it.

The table below reprosents Duke3D's .CFG file. However I included color coded information for other games. Like SW , RR , Blood. (NAM and WWIIGI games should have the same configuration or very close to Duke3D's).

ALL downloads related to the controllers can be found in: "general-controllers"



The Details of the .cfg file and usage
; rem or remarked line. These lines are ignored, they are not read. You can add your own Reminders by using this character ; the semi-colon
;Setup File for Duke Nukem3D
SetupVersion = "#.#"

;Setup File for Shadow Warrior
SetupVersion = "1.2"

;Setup File for Redneck Rampage
SetupVersion = "1.0"

;Setup File for Blood
SetupVersion = "1.10"

Your version of Duke3D-Setup
Possible values 1.0, 1.1, 1.3d or 1.4 (No 1.5 - setup.exe was not updated)

Your version of SW Setup Program
Possible values  ?, ?, 1.2

Your version of RR Setup Program
Possible values  ?, ?, 1.0

Your version of Blood Setup Program
Possible values  ?, ?, 1.10

[Screen Setup]
List of Available Screen modes. Remarked for reminder
This will allow you to use any standard Vesa or Chained video mode.

-The only Mode you'll need these days is 1- Vesa 2.0

-The other modes are used for older systems, anything around or before '96. Even then you can use an emulated or virtual Vesa 2.0 driver (Such as Univbe 5.x or SciTech) to bring your card up to performance
-BUILD games use 2D mode only and do not support any of the 3D video accelerator cards directly. However 3D cards normally include advanced performance standards, meaning the newer cards that support VESA 2.0/3.0 will benefit your 2D mode game.

; - Chained - 0 Similar to SCREEN BUFFERED, Fixed at 320x200.

Some games may have Mode-X (unchained) available like 320x240. *Need more information.*
; - Vesa 2.0 - 1 The Best setting for High-Res, Your video card Must have Vesa2.0 or emulated drivers. 600x480, 800x600, 1024x768 and up. Should work with best quality Vesa 3.0 cards. If you have an option in with Vesa 3.0 card, experiment by using Vesa 2.0 first.
; - Screen Buffered - 2 At Lower Resolution this is used. Frame Rate is Very High. Game defaults at 320x200
; - Tseng optimized - 3 Similar to S3 optimized (A screen buffer) Fixed at 320x200
; - Paradise optimized - 4 Similar to S3 optimized (A screen buffer) Fixed at 320x200
; - S3 optimized - 5 Basically this is used for (older than S3 Trio64) S3 chipset video cards
(A screen buffer) Fixed at 320x200
; - RedBlue Stereo - 7 At lower resolutions you can use a pair of Red/Blue 3D glasses for stereoscopic viewing (The old Card board type.) One eye red (Left) and one eye blue (Right) Held weapons remain unaffected, sprites remain flat. This was a feature that was never really finished in Duke3D, however the code remained in the game, See LameDuke.
3D VISION **A 3D experience with special glasses
; - Crystal Eyes - 6 Crystal Eyes and NuVision VR headgear for 3D viewing, without interlace or page flipping.
-There are many other LCD and virtual headgear that are compatible or specifically designed for Duke and some BUILD games.

Used also with Cardboard Glasses:
3D with Red/Blue or Red/Green images are black and white.
;ScreenWidth passed to engine
;ScreenHeight passed to engine
These two lines are just reminders...

-With these settings you can get any screen resolution to work with your game provided your video card supports all the modes that you want to use.
* SVGA modes in the game (640x480) and up. May require a Pentium 133 or above.*

-If you have Univbe 5.x(Its on the game CD) then this should give you an abundance of extra graphics modes to use if you don't have it then you can get the latest version from Scitech Software.
ScreenMode = x Indicates which above [Screen Setup] will be used.
ScreenWidth = xxx
ScreenHeight = xxx
Resolution X and Y values (Read by Game.exe)
300 x 200 is default
If running at 640X480 and the game is just a bit jerky, try 640X400.
This mode uses 17% less data per screen than 640X480, and does not look noticeably different.

800x600 will help clear-up distant sprites and there details. It will not "clean up" the pixeled look at close range.

1024x768 is probably the max you'll ever need, but most games are capable of going much higher. Keep reading...

To take full advantage of a Mod that uses High-res Sprites and Textures, Increasing this value. With the combination of High Res Textures/Sprites and the increase resolution, the images will be sharper. Try 1280x1024 or the max: 1600x1200

Shadows = x Turns actor shadows (Shadows that actually move) in the game On(1) or Off(0). You'll only get noticeable performance gain on low end machines (386 and 486) w/shadows off. Or on mods or conversions that push the games code too far.

Note: Shadow Warrior .CFG file lists this farther down in the [Options] section.
Environment = "" Part of the password area for Adult Mode.
Its off now.
Detail = x Detail level in game, Pixel Level On(1)  Off(0)
You'll only get noticeable fps performance gain on low end machines (386 and 486) w/detail off.

Note: Shadow Warrior does not have this option.

Note: Blood has a sliding value for this listed under [Options] as Detail = x

Tilt = x Automatic Slope Look??

Screen tilt (When you die the screen will simulate you falling and spin to see who killed you) On(1)  Off(0) Turning this off will only benefit a 386 and 486. It will decrease the load on the system.
The Resolution will drop temporally.

Note: Shadow Warrior .CFG file lists this farther down in the [Options] section, as Tilting = x

Note: Blood has a value for this listed under [Options] as SlopeTilting = x

Messages = x Turns message On(1) and Off(0),
They appear at the top when playing.

Note: Shadow Warrior .CFG file lists this farther down in the [Options] section
Out = x The switch for Adult Mode,
LOCK(1) and UNLOCK(0)

Note: Shadow Warrior .CFG file doesn't have this.
ScreenSize = x The actual size of viewable playing area, does not effect the Status Bar.
Smaller Screen size increases Frame Rate (Smooth) and demands less from your video card and CPU. You will get noticeable performance gain on low-end machines.
Min Value: 0  Max Value: 64
Its best to edit this during the game with the F9 and F10 keys where you can see the performance. The values are raised by 4; 0-4-8-12-etc...

Note: Shadow Warrior .CFG file lists this farther down in the [Options] section, as BorderNum = x (Default is 2) and BorderTile = x (Default is 0)

Note: Blood .CFG file lists this as Size = x

ScreenGamma = xx Contrast and Brightness mix for your monitor. Default = 60  Max = 0  Min = 63

Use the F11 key during a game to set your display. This is useful on older monitors/video cards that lack such adjustments. To much Gamma will give you a washed out look. In game values 0 to 28

Note: The value in the user.con (visibility) effects Brightness only, sometimes referred to "fog of war"-How far you can see. This is different from the Screen Gamma Level.

Note: Shadow Warrior .CFG file lists this farther down in the [Options] section, as Brightness = x (Default is 0)

Note: Blood .CFG file lists this as Gamma = x

[Sound Setup] These are your Sound Card settings
.wav .voc and .midi sound files are used
FXDevice = xx Sound Card Type
Default = 13 (Value Used by setup and game.exe)

Possible Values;

0 - A type of Sound Blaster card
1 - Pro Audio Spectrum
2 - Sound Man 16
6 - SB AWE 32
8 - SoundScape
9 - Gravis Ultrasound
10 - Disney Sound Source
11 - Tandy Sound Source
12 - (PC-Speaker, Code is not implemented)
13 - No device
MusicDevice = xx Sound Card Type
Default = 13 (Value Used by setup and game.exe)

Possible Values;

13 -; No device
12 -; (PC-Speaker, Code is not implemented)
11 -; Tandy Sound System
10 -; Disney Sound System
9 -; Gravis Ultra Sound
8 -; Ensoniq Soundscape
7 -; WaveBlaster
6 -; SB AWE 32
5 -; Sound Canvas
4 -; General Midi
3 -; Adlib
2 -; Sound Man 16
1 -; Pro Audio Spectrum
0 -; Sound Blaster Device

Some systems require this to be set to its own value
(rather than the same as your FXDevice.)
FXVolume = xxx Snd Volume
0 to 200+(1.3d)
0 to 220+(Atomic, Duke1.4/1.5)


MusicVolume = xxx Music/midi Volume 0 - 200+


NumVoices = x Number of Sounds; .voc or .wav format allowed to play at once.
Default = 8 (Try 32 or 64)


NumChannels = x Mono(1) usually 8-bit or Stereo(2) usually 16-bit


NumBits = x How many Bits your sound card supports, normal values are 8bit or 16bit

A value of 16 would give you 8-bits on the left and 8-bits on the right -Hi-Q Stereo sound!

MixRate = 11000 Digital(.wav or .voc) Sampling Rate  Default = 11000

Standard Values: 11025 / 22050 / 32100 / 44100

  Decreasing the Sample rate will decrease the demand on your system, especially with systems where the video and snd cards don't know how to share resources effectively. Lowering the sample rate will also decrease the snd quality.
  If your system is using original system speakers or low quality speakers, reducing the sampling rate wouldn't noticeable effect quality loss and is ideal. If your system is fast and has self-powered speakers, upping the quality to 22050 or 44100 will give a nice sounding game. (Most sounds in the original Duke3D game use a max of 11025 sampling per sound.)
MidiPort = 0x330 Where or which port to playback from. Most cards will us the 330 standard value.
BlasterAddress = 0x220 Address of your SoundBlaster compatible card. (The Most likely value is shown.)
BlasterType = 2 Version of your SB card. This is only used when you have a value of 0 for a Sound Device (A Sound Blaster Card.)


1 - SoundBlaster
2 - SoundBlaster 2(new)
3 - SoundBlaster Pro
4 -
5 -
6 -

BlasterInterrupt = 7 IRQ (The mostly likely default is shown, sometimes a value of 5 works.)
BlasterDma8 = 1 Eight Bit sound playback DMA channel (mono) Value 1 (most likely value shown)
BlasterDma16 = 5 Sixteen Bit sound playback DMA channel (stereo) Value= 1 or 5
(most likely value shown)
BlasterEmu = 0x620 SB Emulation port or address. Typically used with AWE32 type sound cards.
ReverseStereo = 0 Switch Left and Right, YES(1)  NO(0)
SoundToggle = x Game snds for .wav and .voc files. On(1)/Off(0)

Note: Shadow Warrior .CFG file lists this farther down in the [Options] section,
as FxOn = x
VoiceToggle = x Duke Talk On(1)/Off(0)

Note: Shadow Warrior .CFG file lists this farther down in the [Options] section,
as Talking = x
AmbienceToggle = x Ambience snd On(1)/Off(0)
(Echo and Reverb are generally added internally to these types of sounds)

Note: Shadow Warrior .CFG file lists this farther down in the [Options] section, as Ambient = x
MusicToggle = x Midi Snd On(1)/Off(0)

Note: Shadow Warrior .CFG file lists this farther down in the [Options] section, as MusicOn = x
CDVolume = 255 Blood's CD volume setting, default value shown.
[KeyDefinitions] You can Remap your keyboard to your liking!
Best method would be to do it from setup.exe
The actions can have duplicate keys and/or joystick, mouse buttons.
However you can not use The Shift key with symbol characters such as * and $

Action Possible Values;

Single Keys - Are set in there CAPITOL form ex:  A
Double Marked - Are set from the lower case  ex:  a
Arrow Keys - Up, Down, Left, Right
Keypad - Kpad#, Kpad+, Kpad-
Alt - LAlt, RAlt
Shift - LShift, RShift
Ctrl - LCtrl, RCtrl
Caps Lock - CapLck
Page - PgUp, PgDn
Insert - Insert
Enter - Enter
Backspace - BackSpc
Tab - Tab
Scroll Lock - ScrLck
Delete - Delete
Spacebar - Space
Home - Home
End - End

Weapon Possible Values;
1 to 0
No Key  - Use  ""

Note: Some BUILD Games have more key actions available designed for that game.

Note2: Auto-Run for Blood, DN3D, RR and SW (Typically Caps Lock); If you turn off auto run, the enemies move and shoot slower to adjust to the players slower speed, however, running with the Shift key, you will move faster, but the enemies behave as if your slower, giving you the advantage over the A.I. :)


-If your controller supports Analog and Digital, Try setting up your controllers Digital Axis first.  What ever actions you can't setup using the digital options, set them in analog.

-If your controller has a specialized program to map buttons out, use it last to prevent any unnecessary complications.

-Do not duplicate actions if its already working in another mode. Such as a Digital axis works, so don't setup the same or conflicting action in analog. Same applies to your joysticks external mapping program, if its already working in setup.exe, don't apply it to your sticks program. Doing so will provide unusual or incorrect input during the game.

-During the launching of the game, it will ask to calibrate your stick, if your stick supports auto calibration (usually in digital) and it has been initialized correctly prior to enter your game, simple make sure your throttle is centered and hit Enter for each line. You will not have to physically move your sticks controls.
However if your stick is totally analog or the analog functions are not initializing correctly, review your controllers manual. Apart from reading your manual, I recommend you calibrate your stick each time the game starts up, to insure it initializes correctly.

-The stick in duke1.3 moves the player faster in multiplayer, however due to the lack of aiming abilities the stick is inferior to the keyboard/mouse combo. The mouse will give you a "global" feel during the game, the stick feels more like a straight and run method, Hoping the built in auto-aim will help out.
In v1.5 the speed of the stick and mouse are more closely matched.
See: Controller Tips below

-The stick is most effective in a single player game.

-Y motion is forward/backward
-X motion is left/right.
-Plus (+) values indicate Forward/Left, Minus (-) values indicate Back/Right.  

; - Keyboard - 0
; - Keyboard and Mouse - 1
; - Keyboard and Joystick - 2
; - Keyboard and Gamepad - 4
; - Keyboard and External - 3
; -Keyboard and FlightStick - 5 Used for Sidewinder 3D Pro Sticks-v1.3d
; -Keyboard and ThrustMaster-6
ControllerType = 1 Indicates which controller type(s) from the above list will be used.
JoystickPort = x Port 1 or A = 0    Port 2 or B = 1
MouseSensitivity = xxxxx Response and speed from mouse input along the Horizontal X-Axis. (Default is: 32768)

Note: See MouseAnalogScale0 and MouseAnalogScale1 for Scale Aiming mouse look setting.
ExternalFilename = "EXTERNAL.EXE" Used to launch/run external programs for use during game play, be it controllers or support programs. If you use the mouse normally, this function drops mouse support, so the external program or driver can run. Yes you can use this to run programs during multiplayer.
EnableRudder = x Joystick Rudder On(1)  Off(0)
MouseAiming = 0 Mouse Aiming is a toggle button (for all the time mouse look, set to 0). OR as momentary button. (If you want to hold down the U Key, set to 1)

This will set your mouse aiming mode to remain On or if you have to hold down the specified key to engage mouse look. (Default is U) Most players will want it on as part of full mouse look; Use the mouse to aim and control where you look.

MouseAimingFlipped = 0 Reverse or flip the Y-axis of your mouse No(0)  Yes(1) - v1.4/ 1.5 Only


To Flip the Y-axis in v1.3D start with Using Setup.exe;   v1.3

Setup Main Menu

  • Controller Setup
  • Setup Mouse
  • Select -Mouse Aiming is a TOGGLE button

Setup Main Menu

  • Controller Setup
  • Setup Advanced Control Options
  • Advanced Mouse Setup
  • Mouse Y Axis Scale, set a value anywhere from -0.10  to  -8.00  this will invert the mouse.
  • HIT the RETURN / ENTER key,   NOT the ESC key or the new value won't stay.
  • Save your config file.

Continue the following  instructions from Using Game.exe;   v1.3D

In the Game

  • Press the 'U' Toggle Key once to enable  Mouse Control. (You may have to do this each time you first start the game)
  • Note: Apparently the Up and Down Aiming Acceleration and speed is setup by the Mouse Y Axis Scale(MouseAnalogScale1) , NOT by the Adjust Sensitivity. To increase velocity for the mouse, simply increase the scale. The two ends of the scale are max, so starting from the middle expanding outwards will increase your speed. Minus Sign is for inverted mice, Plus Sign is for un-inverted mice.


To Flip the mouse in the Atomic version has been simplified. You have two methods to choose from:

Method 1: Using Setup.exe;   v1.4/1. 5

Setup Main Menu

  • Controller Setup
  • Setup Mouse
  • Select -Invert Mouse aiming up and down

Method2:  Using Game.exe;   v1.4/1. 5

In the Game

  • Options
  • Mouse Aiming Flip On/OFF


Note: For Redneck Rampage, There is new option; MouseFlip = x It is listed further down. Use that instead.

MouseButton0 = "" single click mouse button 1(Left Button) action. (Default is: Fire)
MouseButtonClicked0 = "" double click mouse button 1(Left Button) action. (Default is: "")
MouseButton1 = "" single click mouse button 2(Right Button) action. (Default is: Strafe)
MouseButtonClicked1 = "" double click mouse button 2(Right Button) action. (Default is: Open)
MouseButton2 = "" single click mouse button 3(Middle Button) action. (Default is: Move_Forward)
MouseButtonClicked2 = "" double click mouse button 3(Middle Button) action. (Default is: "")
JoystickButton0-7 = "Fire"
JoystickButtonClicked0-7 = ""
Sets your joystick buttons(8) and double click(8) actions.

MouseDigitalAxes0_0 = ""
MouseDigitalAxes0_1 = ""
Your X-axis + and - digital movement actions

MouseDigitalAxes1_0 = ""
MouseDigitalAxes1_1 = ""
Your Y-axis + and - digital movement actions

MouseAnalogAxes0 = "" Your X-axis analog movement action
The actions for this axis can be, analog_moving, analog_turning or analog_strafing, 'moving' will move you forward/backwards, 'turning' will turn you left/right and 'strafing' will move you side to side. (Default is: analog_turning)
MouseAnalogScale0 = xxxxx Acceleration and speed of mouse input for Horizontal X-axis (Default is: 65536)

You can use SETUP.EXE to set the Scale for the axis (it's like a coefficient).

- Controller Setup
-- Setup Advanced Control Options
--- Advanced Mouse Setup
---- Mouse X Axis Scale

Note: (MouseSensitivity) The in-game mouse sensitivity key just amplifies the horizontal X-Axis.

MouseAnalogAxes1 = "" Your Y-axis analog movement action
The actions for this axis can be, analog_moving, analog_turning or analog_strafing, 'moving' will move you forward/backwards, 'turning' will turn you left/right and 'strafing' will move you side to side. analog_moving also aims up/down when the mouse aiming is turned on. (Default is: analog_moving)
MouseAnalogScale1 = xxxxx Acceleration and speed of mouse input for Vertical Y-axis (Default is: 65536)

You can use SETUP.EXE to set the Scale for the axis (it's like a coefficient).

- Controller Setup
-- Setup Advanced Control Options
--- Advanced Mouse Setup
---- Mouse Y Axis Scale

Note: (MouseSensitivity) The in-game mouse sensitivity key just amplifies the horizontal X-Axis.
To over come or balance the Y-axis acceleration and speed with the X-axis sensitivity, try entering a value of 72089 for the Mouse Y Axis Scale(MouseAnalogScale1) when used in the connection with Aiming mouse look.

JoystickDigitalAxes0_0 = ""
JoystickDigitalAxes0_1 = ""
Your X-axis + and - digital movement actions

JoystickDigitalAxes1_0 = ""
JoystickDigitalAxes1_1 = ""
Your Y-axis + and - digital movement actions

JoystickDigitalAxes2_0 = ""
JoystickDigitalAxes2_1 = ""
Your Rudder-axis + and - movement actions.

JoystickDigitalAxes3_0 = ""
JoystickDigitalAxes3_1 = ""
Your Throttle Lever-axis + and - movement actions.

JoystickAnalogAxes0 = "" Your X-axis analog movement action
JoystickAnalogScale0 = xxxxx Acceleration and speed of stick input for X-axis
JoystickAnalogAxes1 = "" Your Y-axis analog movement action
JoystickAnalogScale1 = xxxxx Acceleration and speed of stick input for Y-axis
JoystickAnalogAxes2 = "" Your Rudder-axis analog movement action

JoystickAnalogScale2 = xxxxx Acceleration and speed of stick input for Rudder-axis

JoystickAnalogAxes3 = "" Your Throttle Lever-axis analog movement action

JoystickAnalogScale3 = xxxxxx Acceleration and speed of stick input for Throttle Lever-axis

GamePadDigitalAxes0_0 = ""
GamePadDigitalAxes0_1 = ""
Your X-axis + and - digital movement actions

GamePadDigitalAxes1_0 = ""
GamePadDigitalAxes1_1 = ""
Your Y-axis + and - digital movement actions

MouseFlip = 1 This will invert the mouse for RR, as RR also includes MouseAimingFlipped = x  in its .CFG but it does nothing.
GameMouseAiming = x
Not sure what this does. Use ON(1) if your not sure, this is default setting.

0(off) or 1(on)

Note: Shadow Warrior does not use this.

Note: The default for RR is 0.

AimingFlag = x This is too start the game with mouse look engaged or not by default.
0(off) or 1(on)  (Default is: 1)

Note: Shadow Warrior .CFG file lists this farther down in the [Options] section, as AutoAim = x

Note: RR doesn't use this or have a similar function available, you must press the U key every time.

Note: Blood has MouseAim = x Listed further down in [Options].

TurnSpeed = 92 Blood's Keyboard Turning speed, if you use the keyboard to turn.
[Comm Setup]
Your Modem/communication setup.
ComPort = x The port you have your modem connected to.
IrqNumber = ~ IRQ of your modem
UartAddress = ~ Serial Type. The Game Requires 16550 or better.
PortSpeed = x Speed between you modem and computer(not connection spd) Initial port speed should be identical speeds on both ends.
Ideal = 9600  note: Higher speeds are only required for unusual circumstances. The Default 9600 should me okay for Modem to Modem use. Internet use may require some experimenting. Try 19200
ToneDial = x Your phone use Tone dialing  Yes(1)  No(0) roto
SocketNumber = ~ Used for networks or web based virtual LANs, A four digit entry, must match all computers. The number before the "x" indicates what type or network mode will be used. This does not determine the Master player(host), on a network it is determined by there cards local IP# and on a virtual-LAN, it is determined by the player who decides to host a room then a game.
NumberPlayers = 2 Number of players including the Master/host
ModemName = "" Manufactures Modem name, set by setup.exe
InitString = "ATZ" Modem Initialization Instructions
HangupString = "ATH0=0" Modem Drop Carrier Instructions
DialoutString = "" Modem Originate (call) Instructions (the phone number in the address book is automatically added to this when setting up)
PlayerName = "" Will show up on other players screen. Note that online services do not adjust this to match your web screen name. The name you would use to login to the game network.
RTSName = "DUKE.RTS" Current RTS to load
Note: RTS is tied to the Parental Control lock
RTSPath = ".\" Atomic use only, Path of a different directory for RTS files..
UserPath = ".\" Atomic use only, Path of a different directory for usermaps.
PhoneNumber = "" Number to be called, last number called.
ConnectType = x client-server game(0)modem or broadcast game(1) LAN/Network. (read by commit.exe)
CommbatMacro#0 - 9= "" Pre-defined sentences to send instantly across the game connection
PhoneName#0-15 = ""
PhoneNumber#0-15 = ""
Address Book

Executions = # How many times you ran setup.exe/game.exe successfully.
RunMode = 1 Mode that will be used at startup. Run(1)/Walk(0)
Crosshairs = 1 Crosshair Status at startup Show/Don't Show Aiming Reticle. On(1)/Off(0)

Note: For Blood see further down for AimReticle = 1 in [Options].

WeaponChoice 0-9 = # -Prioritize Weapon order. The first time you used the command line /u######### there will be ten lines for WeaponChoice. The game automatically switches to the next weapon when ammo is depleted from the current weapon.
This command allows you to define the order in which they do so. It does not remap the weapon keys.

-If you never used this command line function, you can simple add these lines into the .CFG file, start with  WeaponChoice0 = #
The "#" symbol should be replaced with the Weapon Keyboard number.
[OPTIONS] This is a Shadow Warrior specific section. SW .CFG is a bit more organized than Duke3D .CFG file as you can see. Most of these options are controlled by the in game menu selections.
BorderNum = 2 The actual size of viewable playing area, does not effect the Status Bar.
Smaller Screen size increases Frame Rate (Smooth) and demands less from your video card and CPU. You will get noticeable performance gain on low-end machines.
Min Value: ?  Max Value: ?
Its best to edit this during the game with the F9 and F10 keys where you can see the performance. The values are raised by 4; 0-4-8-12-etc...
Brightness = 0 Contrast and Brightness mix for your monitor. Default = ?  Max = ?  Min = ?

Use the F11 key during a game to set your display. This is useful on older monitors/video cards that lack such adjustments. Too much Gamma will give you a washed out look. In game values ? to ?

BorderTile = 0
Bobbing = 1 The swaying as you move.
Tilting = 0 Automatic Slope Look??

Screen tilt (When you die the screen will simulate you falling and spin to see who killed you) On(1)  Off(0) Turning this off will only benefit a 386 and 486. It will decrease the load on the system.
The Resolution will drop temporally.
Shadows = 1 Turns actor shadows (Shadows that actually move) in the game On(1) or Off(0). You'll only get noticeable performance gain on low end machines (386 and 486) w/shadows off. Or on mods or conversions that push the games code too far.
AutoRun = 0 As if your holding down the run key.
Crosshair = 1 Crosshair Status at startup Show/Don't Show Aiming Flag. On(1)/Off(0)
AutoAim = 1 The built in auto-aiming function. ON(1) or Off(0).
Messages = 1 Turns message On(1) and Off(0),
They appear at the top when playing.
Talking = 1 Wang Talk on or off.
Ambient = 1 Ambience snd On(1)/Off(0)
(Echo and Reverb are generally added internally to these types of sounds)
FxOn = 1 Game snds for .wav and .voc files. On(1)/Off(0)
MusicOn = 1 Midi Snd On(1)/Off(0)
NetGameType = 0
NetLevel = 0
NetMonsters = 0
NetHurtTeammate = 0 Friendly Fire
NetSpawnMarkers = 1
NetTeamPlay = 0
NetKillLimit = 0
NetTimeLimit = 0
NetColor = 0
Voxels = 1 3D Sprite on or off. Best for low-end systems to use the off feature.
MouseAimingOn = 1 Sets it for all the time mouse aiming.
MouseInvert = 1 Inverts your mouse Vertical Y-axis
Stats = 1
Rooster = "" Part of the Adult lock, probably password.
Kiwi = 0 Adult Lock on or off.
PlayCD = 0
This is a Blood specific section. Blood .CFG is a bit more organized than Duke3D .CFG file as you can see. Most of these options are controlled by the in game menu selections.
Detail = 4 Detail level of Voxels, max value shown set by the in game menu. Lower values will help improve frame rate on low end systems.
MouseAim = 1 Mouse aiming on at game startup. On(1) or Off(0)
AutoRun = 1 Auto run on at game startup. On(1) or Off(0)
Interpolation = 1 ?Speculating it might be for smoother main character movement. Could be for networks; The local client will interpolate other player positions between packet updates. ?OR possibly for the sprite animations, to smooth them out?.
ViewHBobbing = 1 View bobbing on the horizontal/swaying. On(1) or Off(0)
ViewVBobbing = 1 View bobbing on the Vertical/bobbing. On(1) or Off(0)
FollowMap = 0 Map follow mod, on(1) or off(0)
OverlayMap = 0 Map on(1) or off(0)
RotateMap = 0
AimReticle = 1 Crosshairs on(1) or off(0)
SlopeTilting = 1 Automatic sloop look on(1) or off(0)
MessageState = 1 Over head messages on or off.
MessageCount = 4 How many messages to display.
MessageTime = 5 Time out for the messages in secs.
MessageFont = 0 Message font type.
AdultContent = 0
AdultPassword = ""
Doppler = 1 3D depth sound on(1) or off(0) Off will help improve frame rate on low end systems.
ShowWeapon = 0


Configuration Updater for Duke3D

Config 1.0 and 1.1  to  1.2 and 1.3d    You can copy your old config file to the NEWER duke folder and once you run Setup.exe it will be automatically converted and updated to the new format. The old file will be renamed for backup purposes. *.old
  BUG: Mouse Control Too Fast after Patching to v1.3d shareware from v1.0/v1.1 shareware.
         Solution:  Manually set the speed in the config, or try to reconfigure the mouse from setup.exe, or rename your .cfg file to .cfg.old and reconfigured all your settings.

Config 1.3d to 1.4   You can copy your old config file to the NEWER duke folder and once you run Setup.exe your config file will be converted and updated. The old file will be renamed for backup purposes. *.old

Config 1.2 , 1.3d , 1.4/1.5 back to 1.0, 1.1  You cannot run v1.2 or 1.3d config files in 1.0/1.1 They use a different setup configuration file.


Controller Tips : More on Duke's Configurable Features

Controllers supported: Virtually all. If you find your controller is not directly supported, most users will be able to configure a decent controller correctly. Some may require external programs for the supplied controller.
All buttons can be reconfigured to your liking.
(Please note not all controls are available in pre 1.2 versions of duke3d)

-Joystick v1.3d

  • Duke Nukem 3D deathmatching is extremely fast moving. Set your speeds to the maximums (90) or you are a sitting duke. Also, you are able to move faster than a keyboard or mouse/keyboard player. Their maximums are 80. Enjoy exploiting that advantage (and don't tell them). However most will find the mouse/keyboard most effective in multiplayer, the joystick holds it own in single player mode.
  • Duke Nukem 3D has a ton of features in comparison to any other 3D shooter. To minimize your keyboard-hunting time, get a joystick with a lot of buttons. The Sidewinder 3D Pro, The ThrustMaster FCS and the WingMan Extreme have 8 each and the CH CombatStick has 14 The more buttons you have access to, the more deadly you will become.
  • The Look Left and Look Right buttons come in very handy in situations where you want to push a switch in front of you and at the same time be looking down the hallway. Near the end of Episode 2 there is a nice door that you can easily open and close on the onslaught of Sentry Drones while at the same time keeping an eye on them approaching. Try setting your HATs Left and Right functions for this.
  • The Jetpack button is a very nice button to have available for easy access. This converts a hair-raising experience of falling and madly hunting for the J key into an a simple emotionless finger-flick. Try setting the Jet pack on one of your joysticks base buttons.
  • The Medkit button is a very nice button to also have available for easy access. It's almost like having 300% health. Try setting the Medkit on one of your joysticks base buttons.
  • Consider having individual buttons for your favorite Items and remove the Inventory Select and Inventory Use buttons. In typical deathmatching, having the Jetpack, the Medkit, the Steroids and the Holoduke all as individual buttons is extremely effective. Since the Inventory Left and Inventory Right buttons will wrap around, there isn't a need to assign both to your joystick. This saves a button for another feature.
  • There are two Jump buttons. The first is the standard Duke Jump button and the second is called Jump Forward. The later button is actually a macro. When you press this button, you both jump up and move forward at full speed (for a fraction of a second). There is no longer a need to coordinate moving forward with jumping. This makes it much easier to jump onto boxes, ledges, etc. The disadvantage is that if you want to go straight up with the jetpack, you will need to pull the joystick handle backwards as you travel up. The default is the Jump Forward button. Try both and choose the one you like.
  • Aiming Up and Aiming Down allow you to more precisely aim your weapons. One particularly brutal combination is to fire grenades down onto the ground while flying with the Jetpack. Even if you miss your opponent, there is a good chance that the blast is going to be very, very close and painful if not deadly.
    Try setting your HAT UP and DOWN switches for Aiming. Its a bit crude with analog but it works. If you find the HAT to lacking, set your X and Y axis as AIMING and your HAT for forward and strafe. (If your game supports this second method)
  • Having a joystick with a throttle or having a Speed Toggle button easily allows you to switch between Medium and Fast speeds. This allows you to drop into a slower speed for traversing difficult areas like a narrow ledge. Try setting your throttle for run/walk.


  • Each key on your keyboard can control 2 things, have your shoot key also activate your portable med kit. This way, during a heated battle you don't have to worry about finding it and activating it.
  • If your down on ammo and you need an extra "Kick," try this: select Duke's kick as your weapon.
    Now press Ctrl(fire) and ~(quickkick) together. Duke will kick with both feet. This is a great way to kill your enemies faster or get the most out of your steroids. During mutli-play, the opponent will only see ONE leg kicking at him. This double kicking method doesn't work on the Atomic versions.


Duke3D, side to side movement in a jump:  A controversial situation, Duke3D Jumps, He's in mid air, Gravity is earth, He can't touch anything, He's not wearing his Jetpack......BUT he can move side to side, forward and backwards in mid air. Try it from a high Building. The only plus side is this, it may very well make up for the lack of Arm reach or Grabbing for objects that maybe slightly off Dukes original jump path in any mid-air leaps.



(BLOOD is used as an example)

  1. Run SETUP.EXE
  2. Go into these menus: Controller_Setup > Setup_Advanced_Control_Options > Advanced_Mouse_Setup
  3. Set:
    Mouse X Axis ( analog_turning )
    Mouse Y Axis ( analog_moving )
  4. Adjust the sensitivity for each axis separately.
    Mouse X Axis Scale
    Mouse Y Axis Scale
    You may use a negative value, indicating a change of in the direction of travel.
    The Y-axis is best set to lower values. Such as, 0.5 with a X axis sensitivity of 1.0
  5. The Mouse_Aiming function in game by default is assigned to U key. You may want to double check that it is assigned to a key you prefer.
  6. Goto Controller_SetupSetup_Mousebr>There are two options for Mouse Aiming Mode:
    (o) Mouse Aiming is a toggle button
    ( ) Mouse Aiming is a momentary button
    With it as a toggle, In game, the U key will switch forward-backward movement to verticale MOUSE AIMING ON.
    With momentary, In game you will need to hold the U key to aim the mouse.
  7. You most likley will want to invert the aiming so that the controls are reversered, or proper since default it is set as up on the mouse movement is down and down is up. Making the change will give you modern FPS aiming movement where up will be up and down will be down.
    (o) Invert Mouse Aiming up and down
    Note: Invert can also be done with the Y-axis sensitivity. The only difference is that when you change the sensitivity to reversed, Caleb's movement back and forth will also change when the aiming is turned off, MOUSE AIMING OFF.


(Duke3D is used as an example)

To get 'mouse look' to the default settings:

  • Delete or rename your config file and run setup.exe and select Keyboard and Mouse with-OUT assigning any movement. This will give or restore your mouse look to the defaults allowing you to turn it on or off with the U key.

This will set:

  •  MouseAnalogAxes0 = "analog_turning"   and   MouseAnalogAxes1 = "analog_moving" and other values at default.


(Mouse Look has no other settings than those listed in the two areas below.)

Mouse Movement Sensitivity:

  • MouseSensitivity = 32768 (This setting equals an actual value of 1.00 in setup.exe) Response and speed from mouse input along the Horizontal X-Axis. (This is the value that changes when manipulated with the Adjust Sensitivity keys in-game and it ONLY adjusts the left to right mouse movement).
  • MouseAnalogScale0 = 65536 This is the Left to Right Aiming (When the U key is used) Acceleration and Speed setting for the Mouse X Axis Scale.
  • MouseAnalogScale1 = 65536 This is the Up and Down Aiming (When the U key is used) Acceleration and Speed setting for the Mouse Y Axis Scale , (This is NOT set by the in-game Adjust Sensitivity (MouseSensitivity) which only works for the Horizontal.) Try a value of 72089 here in connection with mouse look to gain better Y-Axis response. It's assumed that the game will read this setting on its own.


Mouse Aiming Settings:

  • MouseAiming = 0 Mouse Aiming is a toggle button (for all the time mouse look, set to 0), OR as momentary button. (If you want to hold down the U Key, set to 1)
  • MouseAimingFlipped = 0 Reverse or flip the Y-Axis of your mouse No(0) / Yes(1) (0 might work for you, if not flip it with 1) (For Duke3D v1.3D see the entry in the table above for instructions) (For RR use the 'MouseFlip' setting instead.)
  • GameMouseAiming = 1 (still unsure what this does, keep it at the default 1, for RR use 0)
  • AimingFlag = 1 (This will start the game as if you already hit the U key) (RR doesn't have an equivalent to this)



It's known that BUILD Games Blood, Duke3D, Shadow Warrior and Redneck Rampage only update one axis at a time. Also the Vertical (Up and Down) movement (Y-axis) tends to be slower in response than the horizontal (X-axis).

There are currently three options to fix these issues:

  • See 'MouseAnalogScale1' setting in your games CFG file and set that to your liking to improve response and speed (This does not cure the lack of updating of both axis at the same time).
  • There also is the 'Build Mouse Fix Tool' that patches the game.exe with a new mouse algorithm. (This patcher apparently fixes response speed by way of the in-game Adjust Sensitivity key setting, (MouseSensitivity), it adjusts BOTH X and Y axis at the same time).
  • And then there's bMouse, that will Fix response and updating both axis at the same time. BMOUSE is a custom Mouse Look enhancer driver that replaces the games built-in programming with an external 'driver' (download this driver).

The BMOUSE Archive includes a rather comprehensive readme, however I will try to expand on it. Read the following.
-(bMouse) by Mark Dochtermann and Modified and Improved by SwissCM-

Running bMouse through SETUP.EXE:

  • Copy BMOUSE.EXE to your games root directory.
  • Run your game's SETUP.EXE program.
  • Next select  "Controller Setup"  then choose  "Controller Type"  and select "Keyboard and External"
  • Now select  "Setup External"  and select  "Change External Program Name," change it to "BMOUSE.EXE"
  • Hit ENTER after you typed in BMOUSE.EXE and then hit the ESC key twice.
  • Next select  "Save and Launch" your game.
  • Play the Game, Play with your mouse.

Then return to SETUP.EXE and adjust the sensitive scales to your liking using the following steps:

  • Select  "Controller Setup"  then  "Setup Advanced Control Options"  finely select  "Advanced Mouse Setup."
  • You'll see that there is a Axis Scale setting for the X and Y axis's in the Analog Setup area. Choose one you want to modify.
  • Now slide the bar to where you think you need it to be with the keyboard arrow keys. ENTER Key Accepts when your done.
  • Move onto the other axis and repeat the previous step.
  • Now hit the ESC Key three times and select  "Save and Launch" your game.
  • Play the Game, Play with your mouse.

You must run the game through SETUP.EXE each time you want to play the game with bMouse enabled, OR better yet you can create a seperate Batch file with notepad, such as the following, (using Shadow Warrior as an example) then run the batch:

bmouse launch sw.exe